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Exodia with extra fries


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Made it up on the spot due to extremely-boring-ness


Monsters (16)


5x Exodia

3x Emmisairy of the Afterlife

1x Sangan

3x Mystic Tomato

3x Destiny Hero Defender

1x Spirit Reaper


Spells (13)


2x Dark Eruption

2x Allure of Darkness

2x Reload

3x Upstart Goblin

1x Level Limit-Area B

2x Gold Sarcophagus

1x Swords of Revealing Light


Traps (11)


3x Threatening Roar

3x Reckless Greed Greed

3x Legacy of Yata-Garusu

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Backup Soldier




Stall, Draw, Win



Also: 3000 Posts!!!

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Gz on the 3000 posts.


-1 spirit reaper

-3 jar of greed


+1 marshmellow

+2 reckless greed

+1 pot of avatice


Might want to try these, marshmellow is much better then spirit reaper or...


-3 jar of greed


+1 marshmellow

+1 reckless greed

+1 pot of avatice


Then again jar of greed gets rid of your deck quickly, Otherwise u might want to do some swaping with the above cards.



-1 Legacy of Yata-Garasu

+1 gravity bind

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