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Skull Servants (Obsession Rocks!)


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Ok, here we go...

Deck Count: 42


Monsters (21)

Skull Servant x3

The Lady in Wight x3

King of the Skull Servants x3

Junk Synchron x2

Plaguespreader Zombie x1

Dark Grepher x1

Goblin Zombie x1

Zombie Master x3

Mezuki x2

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2


Spells (12)

Opti-Camoflage Armor x3

Lightning Vortex x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Heavy Storm x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Foolish Burial x2

One for One x1

Book of Life x2


Traps (9)

Mirror Force x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Call of the Haunted x1

Dark Bribe x3

Graceful Revival x3


EDIT: Whoops, forgot Extra Deck.

15 cards.

Junk Warior x1

Armory Arm x3

Goyo Guardian x1

Stardust Dragon x1

Magical Android x2

Archfiend Zombie-Skull x1

Black Rose Dragon x1

Psychic Lifetrancer x2

Iron Chain Dragon x1

Red Dragon Archfiend x1

Collosal Fighter x1



Advice? Comments?

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Foolish Burial is at 2, I believe.


So why not run that many?


Book of life needs to be in here at 2, at least.


and really, one copy of every spell isn't going to help you at all.


I'll see what I can do:



3 Skull Servant

3 Lady Wight

3 King of the SS

3 Zombie Master

2 Goblin Zombie

2 Junk Synchron


3 Ryko



3 Opti-Camouflage Armor

2 Foolish Burial

2 Book of Life

1 Swords

1 Vortex

1 Storm

1 One for One




3 Limit Reverse

3 Dark Bribe/Magic Drain

1 Call

1 Mirror Force

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