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Gemini Seraphim's - Lucent & Lurid Added (Working on New Idea)


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This is a test card for a new effect or idea or whatever. Please check the OCG, I'm have doubts on it and is it OP'ed? Also The image is thanks to ~kongruishu on DevianART. Alright here it is:



p><p>Trap-This card gains 1800 ATK and during your next Standby Phase, you draw 1 card. If the drawn card is a Gemini monster, destroy 1 card on your opponent

Monster- This card gains 2000 ATK and this card's DEF is 0, for the remainder of the duel. When this card is destroyed, your opponent doesn't conduct their next Draw Phase.

http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/2219/312813t.jpg' alt='312813t.jpg'>

Effect-This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 2 Gemini monsters on your side of the field. When this card is Summoned, place 2 Dual Counters on this card(Max.2). This card is treated as 2 monsters. If this card would be destroyed, it is not and you must remove 1 Dual Counter. If this card has 1 Dual Counter, then this card is treated as 1 monster. During the turn that this card loses 1 Duel Counter, you can destroy 1 card on the field and this card gains ATK equal to what type of card it was:

Spell-This card gains 2300 ATK and loses 400 DEF. This card cannot be destroyed by a monster effect or Trap Card. When this card is destroyed by a Spell Card, you gain Life Points equal to this card's DEF.

Trap-This card gains 2000 ATK. This card cannot be destroyed by a monster effect or Spell Card. When this card is destroyed by a Trap Card, your opponent skips their next Draw Phase and you can draw cards equal to the number of Level 4 or lower Gemini monsters on your side of the field.

Monster-This card gains 2200 ATK. This card cannot be destroyed by a Trap or Spell Card. If this card is destroyed by a monster effect, you can Special Summon 1 Gemini monster in face-up Defense Position.


Effect-This card is also treated as a DARK monster. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 2 Gemini monsters on your side of the field. When this card is Summoned, place 2 Dual Counters on this card(Max.2). This card is treated as 2 monsters. If this card would be destroyed, it is not and you must remove 1 Dual Counter. If this card has 1 Dual Counter, then this card is treated as 1 monster. During the turn that this card loses 1 Duel Counter, you can destroy 1 card on the field and this card gains ATK equal to what type of card it was:

Spell- This card gains 2100 ATK. This card is not treated as a DARK monster. When this card is destroyed by a Spell card, you can pay 500 Life Points. If you do, you can Special Summon 1 "Gemini Seraphim's - Lucent & Lurid" in face-up Defense Position, ignoring Summoning Conditions.

Trap- This card gains 2300 ATK and loses 200 DEF. Once per turn, you can destroy 1 face-up Spell, Trap, or monster on your opponent's side of the field.[/align][/size]

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"When this card is Summoned, place 2 Dual Counters on this card(Max.2). This card is treated as 2 monsters. If this card would be is destroyed, it is not and you must remove 1 Dual Counter. If this card has 1 Dual Counter, then this card is treated as 1 monster. If this card is treated as 1 monster you can destroy 1 card on the field and this card gains ATK equal to what type of card it was:

Spell-This card gains 1900 ATK and is also treated as a DARK monster. If this card is attacked by an EARTH or WIND monster that card is destroyed, without applying damage calculation.

Trap-This card gains 1800 ATK and during your next Standby Phase, you draw 1 card. If the drawn card is a "Gemini" monster, destroy 1 card on your opponent's side of the field.

Monster- This card gains 2000 ATK and this card's DEF is 0, for the remainder of the duel. When this card is destroyed, your opponent doesn't conduct their next Draw Phase."


The bold is the proper OCG

The slash means wrong or unnecessary.


The picture is great and so is the effect I think its balanced due to its original ATK and its Level although you may want to put some summoning requirements on it to balance it out even more because its additional effects add to its strengths.


Overall it's quite impressive. 8/10

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effect's way too long... not going to bother to read it...


I'm not going to rate it because that will be very indecent of me.


Why post if you're not going to read the effect? After all, this is a new type of card; so of course the effect is going to be long and complex.

This is because official OCG does not exist so you have to work existing OCG around what you want, leading to a drawn-out effect.

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