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Power of the Ancients


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This is my second repost of an older set, this time: The Primordial Ones. And I kinow what you're thinking, WHAT!!! these are Jellyfish! And they have real pic's! and that is true. I have used real pic's for my jellyfish set, so you've been warned.

Becouse it is redone their maybe some OCG errors in it, so please tell me them so I can improve them.

All of the pics are from Google.


[spoiler=Lore] This card is treated as a "The Primordial Ones" monster. When this card is attacked, it is changed to face-up Attack Position after the Damage calculations. During your Standby Phase, you can Tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Golden Coral" from your hand or Deck.




[spoiler=Lore] This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Blue Coral". This card is treated as a "The Primordial Ones" monster. When this card is attacked, it is placed in face-up Attack Position after the Damage calculations.




[spoiler=Lore] This card is treated as a "The Primordial Ones" monster. You can Tribute this card to eather Special Summon a "Medusa token" [WATER/Aqua-Type/level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0] or to Special Summon a "The primordial ones" monster with the half its original ATK and DEF.




[spoiler=Lore] This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned exept by Tributing 5 "Medusa token's". This card cannot be destroyed by a card's effect. Each time this card destroys a monster as result of battle, you can Special Summon one "The Primordial Ones" monster (exept "The Ancient One".) from your hand or Deck and it can activate its effect ignoring the cost's.




[spoiler=Lore] When this card is Normal or Flip Summoned, draw one card. When this card is destroyed by the Effect of your opponents Spell or Trap Card, you can Special Summon up to 3 "Medusa Tokens" [WATER/Aqua-Type/level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0] to your side of the field. When this card is destroyed as result of battle, you can Special Summon 1 "Medusa token" to your side of the field.




[spoiler=Lore] Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 "Medusa token" [Water/Aqua/level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0]. When this card is destroyed and send to the Graveyard, you can play 1 "The Polyp of Creation" from your hand or Deck to the field.




[spoiler=Lore] You can Special Summon this card by Tributing 2 "Medusa tokens" from the field, If this card is Special Summoned in this way, this card cannot be destroyed as result of battle. (battle calculations are aplayed as normal). When this card battles a Monster, the Monster is destroyed during End Phase of that turn.






[spoiler=Lore] This card cannot be Normal summoned or Set. This card can be Special Summoned by tributing 2 "medusa togens". when a Monster attacks this card, you can change that monster into a Equip Spell Card and equip it to this card without apllying the damage step. (This card can only be equipped to 1 monster at a time.). This card gains the half the original ATK and DEF of the equipped monster. If this card would be destroyed as result of battle, destroy the equipped monster instaid. (Battle calculations are aplied as normal.)










[spoiler=Lore] Increase the ATK and DEF of all "Medusa tokens" and all "The Primordial Ones" monster's with 400. This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of Spell or Trap Card's. When a "The Primordial Ones" Monster is destroyed you can Special Summon one "Medusa Token"[WATER/Aqua-Type/level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0] to the field. This card is destroyed when there are no "Medusa Token's" or "The Primordial Ones" monsters's are on the field.
















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But they have a drawback, they're switched in ATK position after a attack and the 1st has just 0 and the 2nd has just 1000 ATK, so yes I would say they have drawbacks.

You must remember that the Ancient One can summon ANY the primordial ones monster with its effect active.

And I'll keep the Defemding on a Vanilla.

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