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cat synchro is still abusable


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in the ocg of course


its a more of a control deck now than anything


this is the first draft, im still wondering about instant fusion coz of the extra deck space.


18| Monsters


1| Dark Armed Dragon


1| Rescue Cat

1| Summoner Monk

3| Mystic Tomato

3| Krebons

1| Sangan

1| Plaguespreader Zombie

3| X-saber

2| Sea Koala

2| All-seaing White Tiger (normal monster ftw)


18| Spells


1| Emergency Teleport

1| Magical Mallet

3| Pot of Avarice

3| Symbol of Duty

3| D.D.R

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Brain Control

1| Mind Control

3| Instant Fusion


6| Traps


1| Call of the Haiunted

1| Return from the different dimension

1| Torrential Tribute

3| Reckless Greed


15| Extra Deck


1| Power Tool Dragon

1| Naturia Beast

1| Naturia Dragon

3| Musican King

1| Stardust Dragon

1| Myst Worm

1| Goyo

1| Brionic

1| Thought Ruller Archfiend

1| Arcnite Magician

1| Black Rose Dragon

1| Castrator

1| gigatech fighter

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I think you need a more variety of monsters. Like, you have three of most of them.


You should considering adding more monster cards, not just adding the same ones three times.


+1 Blowback Dragon, maybe?

-1 Sea Koala.


But that may be a bad idea since I haven't played in a while. :/

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