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[HR] Spartan Infantry [HR]

General Assclown

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[align=center]Another trustworthy card by myself ^-^. I was watching alot of 300 MVs on Youtube and I felt like making a Spartan card.


Note - To all the n00bs out there, this doesn't belong in Pop Culture. It has nothing to do with 300, etc.


-- Spartan Infantry --





This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card gains 400 ATK for every Spartan monster on your field. Once per turn, tribute 1 Spartan monster you control to place 2 True Warrior Counters on this card (Max. 4). A True Warrior Counter increases a monster's ATK by a third of their Original ATK. Destroy a monster with a True Warrior Counter(s) on it the 2nd Standby Phase that the counter(s) was placed on it.



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Like it alot maybe if you could zoom the pic into the bloke so he is a little bigger, makes for a nicer pic a bit more detail then. You forgot to say how many counters it can have on it like (Max. 6), limits his ATK points then. The last part of the effect says destroy a monster with a True Warrior Counter...so can you destroy another monster on the field other then this one!??


Nice pic and cool effect...would like to see more of these cards to see how these True Warrior Counters will work on a wider amount of monsters 9/10

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such a shame you didn't make an animated card. I wanted to see the warrior to yell "THIS IS SPARTA!"




you also forgot to say the max number of counters it can have


Ya' date=' fixing that[/b']




Yay ^-^



Like it alot maybe if you could zoom the pic into the bloke so he is a little bigger' date=' makes for a nicer pic a bit more detail then. You forgot to say how many counters it can have on it like (Max. 6), limits his ATK points then. The last part of the effect says destroy a monster with a True Warrior Counter [b']on it...so can you destroy another monster on the field other then this one!??


Nice pic and cool effect...would like to see more of these cards to see how these True Warrior Counters will work on a wider amount of monsters 9/10


Cool ^-^. The True Warrior Counters were added since Spartans are well...true warriors >.<


Edit -


Fixed ^-^

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There are quite a few OCG errors, I will fix them:

This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card gains 400 ATK for each "Spartan" monster you control. Once per turn, tribute 1 "Spartan" monster you control to place 2 True Warrior Counters on this card (Max. 4). A monster with a True Warrior Counter(s) gains ATK equal to 1/3 of it's original ATK. Destroy a monster with a True Warrior Counter(s) on it during the 2nd Standby Phase that the Counter(s) was placed on it.


I like the effect. Pic is not brilliant.


Before OCG fix: 7/10

After: 8/10

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There are quite a few OCG errors' date=' I will fix them:

This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card gains 400 ATK for each "Spartan" monster you control. Once per turn, tribute 1 "Spartan" monster you control to place 2 True Warrior Counters on this card (Max. 4). A monster with a True Warrior Counter(s) gains ATK equal to 1/3 of it's original ATK. Destroy a monster with a True Warrior Counter(s) on it during the 2nd Standby Phase that the Counter(s) was placed on it.


I like the effect. Pic is not brilliant.


Before OCG fix: 7/10

After: 8/10



Thanks but whats wrong with the pic?


Eww to the pic 8/10



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