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Help me improve my black garden deck


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Black garden deck


Total cards: 41

Monsters: 20

2x Lonefire

1x Tytanial

2x Gigaplant

2x Rose Knight

2x copyplant

2x nettles

2x botanical lion

2x lord poison

3x hedge ward

1x violet witch

1x gravirose


spells: 11

2x black garden

1x terraforming

1x field barrier

2x shrink

1x MST

2x thorn of malice

1x miracle fertilizer

1x mark of the rose


Traps: 10

2x DNA Surgery

2x Limit Reverse

2x pollinosis

2x wall of thorns

1x mirror force

1x call of the haunted


Extra deck:

Generic + 3xQueen of thorns



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Hi, I'm more of dragon person but I have a ABSOLUTELY GREAT PLANT DECK!!!!!!!!

And have some ideas for you.

Also I'm willing to swap them to you through the post if you would like them.


Brain Crusher - Insect - dark - lv7 - when it destroys a monster by battle ou can special summon one of them at the end of the turn


2x Rose Tentacles,- evil thorn,- regenerating rose,- giga plant,- gigantic cephalotus

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