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I Lied. Elemental Acquaintances


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I lied. Made more Zen cards. Casmy wanted me too. Here's the Elemental Acquaintances



This card can only be equipped to a "Zen" card. Increase the card that is equipped with this card's ATK by 500 points for every FIRE monster on the field. Once, during either players turn, you may tribute this card to Special Summon one FIRE monster from the graveyard.



This card can only be equipped to a "Zen" card. Increase your life points by 500 every time a WATER monster is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned. Once, during either players turn, you may sacrifice this card to Special Summon one WATER monster from the graveyard.



This card can only be equipped to a "Zen" card. Every time a WIND monster is summoned, you may inflict direct damage equal to the card equipped to this card's ATK points. Once, during either players turns, you can sacrifice this card to Special Summon one WIND monster from the graveyard.



This card can only be equipped with a "Zen" card. Increase the monster equipped with this card's DEF by 500 points for every EARTH monster on the field. Once, during either players turns, you may sacrifice this card to Special Summon one EARTH monster from the graveyard.


Tell me what you think! Sorry about the writing on EARTH.

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