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Most powerful Bakugan (and all traps) ever all Lync cards added


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[spoiler=Maxus Helios]68459394.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Maxus Helios=Cyborg Helios + Foxbat + Fencer + Scraper + Klawgor + Spindle + Leefram

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. This card's attribute is also treated as WATER, WIND, DARK, LIGHT, EARTH and WIND.


[spoiler=Maxus Dragonoid]16824138.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Neo Dragonoid + Grakas Hound + Dark Hound + Grafias + Brachium + Spitarm + Spyderfencer

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. This card's attribute is also treated as WATER, WIND, DARK, LIGHT, EARTH and WIND.


[spoiler=Dragonoid Ability's]394577z.jpgIf anyone finds a better pic for this pm it to me and if I like and use it for a card I will pay 3 points

[spoiler=Core Bakugan]72800423.jpgx373lx.jpg20r46lz.jpg


Vexos Bakugan

[spoiler=Shadow]2yoqvig.jpg394577kh.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Once per turn during your Main Phase, if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to your "Hades" as an Equip Card. OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While equipped to a Monster by this cards effect, increase the ATK of equipped Monster by 500 points. (1 Monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped Monster is destroyed by battle, destroy this card instead.)


[spoiler=Volt]394577.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Together with Volt, Brontes brawls for the Vexos to eliminate the Resistance. Brontes is a Mechanical Bakugan who uses his Luny Magical ability to eliminate his rival's offenses. This mammoth monster can fly by using the propeller sticking out of his head. His gigantic legs allow him to move quickly and avoid enemy attacks, and his long arms stretch out to wrap around opponents during battle.

394577.jpg394577u.jpg394577r.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Once per turn during your Main Phase, if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to your "Mega Brontes" as an Equip Card. OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While this card is equipped to "Mega Brontes" you can Tribute "Mega Brontes" and "Bakugan Trap-Dynamo" to Special Summon 1 "Dynamo Brontes" from your Extra Deck. (1 Monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped Monster is destroyed by battle, destroy this card instead.)


[spoiler=Spectra]394577ma.jpg69131879.jpg394577.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Once per turn during your Main Phase, if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to your "Viper Helios" as an Equip Card. OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While this card is equipped to "Viper Helios" you can Tribute "Viper Helios" and "Bakugan Trap-Metalfencer" to Special Summon 1 "Battle Unit Mode Helios" from your Extra Deck. (1 Monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped Monster is destroyed by battle, destroy this card instead.)

394577p.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Viper Helios + Bakugan Trap-Metalfencer

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Fusion Summoned or Special Summoned by the effect of "Bakugan Trap-Metalfencer". Once per turn inflict 200 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points.



Freeze Counters are a type of rule I use with some of my cards like.......

Legendary Pokemon-Articuno and Alto Brontes. What Freeze Counters do are, they make a spell or trap not be able to be activated. And a monster not be able to change battle position or attack. Freeze Counters a destroyed by, if the monster with a Freeze Counter on it is attacked by a pyro monster it is destroyed. There is no way to destroy Freeze Counters on spells and Traps. Also, when the Monster that placed the Freeze Counter on a card is destroyed destroy all Freeze Counters on the field, that were placed by that monster. You can also use Freeze Counters if you wish.

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Maxus Helios=Cyborg Helios + Foxbat + Fencer + Scraper + Klawgor + Spindle + Leefram

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. This card's attribute is also treated as WATER, WIND, DARK, LIGHT, EARTH and WIND.

(correct me if I missed an attribute)


Cyborg Helios=1 Tuner + 3 or more non-Tuners (I wouldn't suggest using more than 2 non-Tuners)

This card's ATK cannot be changed.


The rest look pretty good, but it kinda sucks to have all of their effects the same. I would try something like, "This card gains 300 ATK for every Machine-type monster on your Field." or something like that.



Once OCG is fixed:8.5/10

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