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Warrior Deck Contest


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So...a Warrior contest. Yep.



[align=center]40 Cards

Must follow Fall 09 Ban List

If you can please post a deck handbook

MUST include Celtic Guardian and you MUST use him in some way. Bonus will be included if you can make him the win condition.[/align]



1st: 3 Reps 100 Points{500 if Celtic is win condition}

2nd: 2 Reps 25 Points

3rd: 1 Rep 10 Points










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Let's make this up on the spot shall we?


Monsters (20)

3x Celtic Guardian

3x Exiled Force

3x Giant Rat

3x Marauding Captain

3x Comrade Swordsman of Landstar

3x Command Knight

1x Warrior Lady of the Wasteland

1x PSZ


Spells (13)

1x Rota

2x Lightning Vortex

3x Fissure

1x Swords of Revealing Light

3x The A. Forces

3x Burden of the Mighty


Traps (7)

1x Justi-Break

1x Tor

1x Mirror Force

1x CotH

3x Dark Bribe




Extra (15)

1x Goyo Guardian

14x Generic



*Use Command Knight, Comrade Swordsman and The A. Forces to give all your Warriors high attack.

*Use Lightning Vortex, Fissure and Exiled Force to clear up your opponents Field.

*Attack 4 game, negate anything troublesome with Bribe.

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3 Celtic Guardian

3 Dark Blade

3 Wildheart

3 Future Samurai

3 Command Knight


3 Warrior Dai Grepher


3 The A Forces

2 Heart of the Underdog

2 Mage Power

2 Swing of Memories

1 Heavy

1 Vortex

1 United We Stand


3 Dark Bribe

2 Bottomless

1 Justi-Break

1 Mirror Force

1 Call of the Haunted

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3x Celtic Guardian

3x Dark Blade

3x X-Saber Anu Piranha

3x Elemental Hero Neos Alius

3x Warrior Dai Grepher

2x Goblin Attack Force

1x Command Knight


SPELLS (12):

3x Burden Of The Mighty

3x The A. Forces

2x Heart Of The Underdog

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Heavy Storm

1x Brain Control

1x United We Stand


TRAPS (10):

2x Skill Drain

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Justi-Break

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Call Of The Haunted

1x Birthright



Beatdown Vanilla Warriors. Using Celtic Guardian along with other Normal Warrior-type monsters, along with support cards. Skill Drain kills opponent's potentially dangerous monster effects, and helps Goblin Attack Force. Burden, The A. Forces and United We Stand helps beef up your Warriors. Command Knight, although not a Vanilla, can help boost ATK further. Traps like Bottomless and Justi-Break can help with defending yourself too.

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Elemental hero Stratos

Dark blade x3

Celtic gaurian x3

Giant rat x3

Rescue cat


Plaguespreader zombie

Milus radiant x3

Destiny hero malicious x2

Demise, king of armaggedon

Summoner monk




Swing of memories x3

Advanced ritual art

Heavy storm

Mystical space typhoon

Inferno reckless summon x3

Reinforcement of the army

Allure of darkness x2

Foolish burial

Delta attacker x2



Call of the haunted


Mirror force

Threatening roar

Bottomless trap hole


Extra deck:

Blackrose dragon

14x generic stuff


General strategy


use Foolish/AVA/Combat to send celtic gaurdian to the grave, blast field with BRD/Demise, Revive Celtic gaurdian and use Inferno to bring out the other 2, summon rescue cat and tribute it for 2 milus radiant and attack for game.

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