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digimon cards

Jordan Thompson

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Ok, loads of things wrong with these.


1: Art is from Youtube screencaps and still PNGs without backgrounds. Major no no.

2: Effect text is misspelled and lacks accurate gameplay terminology.

3: No... forget it..


Here's an example of one of my earlier works, back when YCM had that stupid shine line over the image.




Use this as reference. Not the exact card, but use it as pointers. Granted, it has no effect relation to this particular Digimon's previous forms, but that's alright.

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I did think of it - but usually LV monsters have the same name.

It would be confusing to have more than one digivolution line then... :D



You'll learn in time.


It's not a shame to be a noob - we ALL were.

It's a shame to be a stubborn noob who doesn't want to learn...

Just a general thought... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

... Pretty well done. And also, if you have the vector versions, you could add a background to it by using Photoshop -I think (since I don't use Photoshop, so I don't know.) Even though Digimon is not a type, but that's in "DIGIMON" but this is in "YU-GI-OH!" So I really think that's a type. It's like Digimon come to Yu-Gi-Oh!'s world from Digimon's world. "What is that?" "A Digimon." "No, it's a Dinosaur (Eg. Greymon)" "No, I know it's same as Dinosaur, but it's a Digital Dinousaur since it made up of data or rather, Digital Monster. So we call that type, Digimon." A tip for you about the image if you want to follow. The space where you put an image has the same length on each 4 sides. You could easily crop that image before you upload with Paint, if you have one because Paint is easy to use for something easy~ OK, that's all, I'm looking forward for more, since I'm also a Digimon fan myself. Yeah, take it easy, don't be too worked up.

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