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My HALO Cards


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Here are some OCG fixes

Spartan E03- This Monster can Attack your opponent directly.

Spartan E19- This Monster can Attack twice in the same Battle Phase.

Spartan Z84- This card is not effected by the effects of Spell Cards

High Ground- For every face-up Warrior-Type Monster on you side of the field, increase the ATK of all Warrior-Type Monsters on your side of the field by 200 points.

These were minor mistakes. I love the cards, the pics, and the idea. -.5 for OCG 9.5/10 Keep working on them.

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Lol, they your own tags? Like: B19,Z84 and E03? Brilliantly original. Nice job. I cant see any errors so why not? 10/10 I especially loved how you corresponded the weapons with the effects. You should keep going and make like a Mastercheif Fusion or something like that :lol: . Fantastic 1st cards, nice one.

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