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[spoiler=Monsters 23]





[spoiler=Spells 12]





[spoiler=Traps 7]





[spoiler=Extra 15]



The blank card is Gottom. I traded it, but i'll get it back. Oh... whats that? You want a close up of my smexy Black rose?!






The deck has beaten LS, Trag Gadgets (with the side), GB's (with the side), Monarchs, and Zombies. I plan on playing this in the Philadelphia regional only because I don't believe people will have a side for it.


So please, play with it, and let me know how it can run smoother.

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I like the idea of a Salvo-Kitty very much XD looks good man. I am surprised at no Goyo, but I'm certain that's just because you don't have one, correct? If you could fit in a third Tomato, Mark of the Rose may not be a bad add, but I'm not sure at the moment of what to change. I'll test it once I finish a paper I'm doing for school and get back to you, but it looks great.


Has it lost yet? If it has, what to?

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I do have a goyo, my extra deck is 15. I must have forgotten it in my deck box. XP


It hardest match up is Oppresion builds (for obvious reasons) and GB's. I have lost to lucksac LS, but has won far more than lost. I Did loose to a couple of GB's. That ancient forest is a trip. Its like if you don't have stardust out before you attack, your gonnna die.

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I side T Roars in' date=' I don't main them because I want my monsters beat up. IE Tomatos, Spy, guard, dekoichi, sangan. the deck basically retaliates from attacking, and If I don't want it to happen, I prison/ book of moon.



Makes sense, I've never seriously played Syncat, so I might make other ignorant suggestions XD


If I can find room (after play testing), would you be objected to negging somethings to add in a 3rd Tomato and 1 Mark of the Rose? I think Mark would be good since you already have plants and it would be more goodness for synchros and field openning.

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Okay I just had to bump this because a Synchro cat deck made it to day 2 of the JUMP. Congrats, but compare Chris Digregoria's deck to mines.


Monsters: 18

3 X-Saber Airbellum

1 Summoner Monk

1 Dark Armed Dragon

1 Sangan

1 Neo-Spacian Dark Panther

1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

1 Rescue Cat

2 Gravekeeper’s Spy

1 Sea Koala

2 Mystic Tomato

1 D.D. Crow

1 Rose, Warrior of Revenge

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Cyber Dragon


Spells: 15

1 Cold Wave

2 Pot of Avarice

1 Brain Control

1 Giant Trunade

2 Allure of Darkness

1 Mind Control

2 Creature Swap

2 Book of Moon

1 Gold Sarcophagus

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps: 8

1 Trap Dustshoot

2 Royal Oppression

1 Call of the Haunted

1 Mirror Force

1 Solemn Judgment

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Torrential Tribute


If this isn't a sack'n deck I don't know what is. Im confident in my abilities to Top this regional now.


inb4 what is sack'n: Getting extremely lucky.

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