Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 Plot:300 years after the death of Naruto,Sasuke,Gaara,and all other mighty warriors A new setr of hero's have emerged.But were there are heroes there has to be an evil orginization.This new org. is more deadly then the feared Akatsuki.This new org. is called the The Rioken-Meratsu Deathsquad(RMD for short). The R.M.D have already tooken over the Mist and Sound village territories by force.Now there Coming for the leaf and Sand village. So do you want to rule The world or do whats right and stand for your village? Rules:1.All basic Ycm roleplay and regular rules2.No dramatic Deaths without my consent3.If you spam or troll will be banned from this rp App:Name:GenderPic: (No descriptions plese but if you must)Alighnment: (RMD Or Sand/Leaf vilage)Weapons:(Limit 5)Jutsu element:Jutsu list: (Optional unless created Jutsu's then list)Sub-Org: (Anbu,RMd Elite squad,or RMD Death soldier)(optional)Personality:Crush in relationship with:Bio: (At least 3 sentences) My appsName:Danaka RiokenGender:MalePic:9face will be revealed later Alighnment:RMD LeaderWeapons:Duel Katanas,Nagenaga,and SytheJutsu element:WaterJutsu list:All water typeSub-Org:Death SquadPersonality:Sinister,evil and always Emotionally involvedCrush in relationship with:NoneBio:Danaka and Original Sand anbu suddenly went missing on a assassination mission. 5 years later he reappeared in the sound village with a small army of rogue/missing ninjas and took over the sound village. 1 year later he sent his Deathsquads to the mist village and took over it aswell now he has his sight on the Leaf and Sand villages. Name:Hiruta ShinanGender:MalePic: Alighnment: LeafWeapons:2 Deamon wind mill shuriken,Katana,and Hook swords.Jutsu element:SandJutsu list: All sand JutsusSub-Org:AnbuPersonality:Quit but very nice and intelligentCrush in relationship with:NoneBio:An elite Anbu black op Hiruta is willing to die for his village.Hiruta has been comanded to lead the defence against RMD invations and attacks. Hiruta is Very daring is ready for anythning the RMD can throw at him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damiano Tosē Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 couldn't i just use my old app or create a new one? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 Please create new one for this is a different time periond Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damiano Tosē Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 gotchaName: Leo UryuGender:maleAlighnment: (RMD Or Sand/Leaf vilage) Sand Image:(pic or 2 sentences) Sub-Org: (Anbu,RMd Elite squad,or RMD Death soldier)(optional) AnbuPersonality:(Atleast 2 seentences) Dark and Heartless also close-minded. usually the quiet, calm type of person.Jutsu element: SandWeapons:(Limit 5) Shurikens, Blade of the crescent moon, and Kunai KnivesCrush/In relationship with: nobody yetBio:(At least 3 sentences)The quiet one from the Anbu Orginization. Sand's White Devil, who completed all expectations of his work. He was a Jonin and later became an anbu for his smarts. He was recommended to the anbu to overcome his past of deaths and lies of his comrades. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 accepted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damiano Tosē Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 thank you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 Hey can you invite people to this rp please thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damiano Tosē Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 i'll try to but sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrownedClown Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 Name Tasaki El'noirAge 17Gender FemaleAppearancePersonality Tasaki believes people cannot be trusted and that living in the past is ignorant. Her "Live for Today" attitude allows her to perform death defying stunts without fear. She describes the way most people act as "fighting someone else's battle", which she thinks is a waste of time. Of the Ninken she has, she is the closest to Bisuke, with the rest, she only has a Friend-Like Relationship. She seems to be closer to Bisuke because her is similar to Tasaki's (Dead) Brother.Bio Tasaki is from a Poor Village near the Sand Village, she didn't have much when she was growing up, so she (and her Mother) had to Work as a Slave, just took keep the Family stable. When she was 14, she was forced to fight in an Arena to earn Money, but with her "Live for Today" attitude, she kept winning and winning, until, her and her Brother where in a 2-on-1 Match against an S-Rank Criminal, who killed Tasaki's Brother within the first 10 Seconds. That was also when Tasaki "gained" the Dagger Tail, and the Odd Markings on her Arm. Tasaki chose to leave when she turned 15, to explore the World and learn more of the World outside the Clan Compound. After a year of Traveling she came Across the Leaf Village, which quickly became her New Home. Not long after her first year in the Leaf Village, she found Bisuke, and the other Ninken (Who where looking for a new "Boss"). After the Ninken Interviewed her, they chose her to their new "Boss", and tell them about their Old Boss: Kakashi.Side Leaf/SandWeapons Crow and Ant(Kankuro's Puppets, the ones used against Sakon and Ukon) Scroll (Of The Ten Puppet Collection of Chikamatsu) [spoiler=Dagger Tail]Dagger Tail is one of Tasaki's main weapons. It is a fearful chain weapon. It is embedded on Tasaki's Left Arm, not long after her Brother was killed on a Mission. A part of Dagger Tail remained on Tasaki's arm, and not long after it was embedded, it began to grow, allowing Tasaki to use it not only to kill her enemies but also to swing with it avoiding various obstacles. Notes: *The Dagger Tail can grow to any length, all it takes is some Chakra, and allot of Acrobatic Skills.*Tasaki's Left Arm (From the Hand to just above the Elbow) is Ash-Black, and has Odd, Orange Marking covering the Black Skin. Element NullJutsu-Summoning Technique: Earth Release: Tracking Fang Technique (Same Ninken as Kakashi. Bisuke is usually found on Aki's Shoulder, not with the other Ninken).-Puppet Technique/Chakra Stings-White Secret Technique: Ten Puppet Collection of Chikamatsu Crush Leo Uryu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 Accepted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShurikenNinja1 Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 Name: Rose FudoGender FemalePic: Alighnment: RMDWeapons: Flower Shuriken, Rose WhipJutsu element: Earth, Wind, WaterJutsu list: Flower Style: Dance of Wild Petals (The enemy is captured in a genjutsu; flower petals surround the enemy, then the caster ((that be me)) jumps in the air and throw my Rose Shuriken at the enemy).Earth Style: Vine Binding Stuggle (Vines explode from the ground below and wrap around the enemy, holding them to use another jutsu or hit them with weapons).Water Style: Flood or RainWind Style: Tornado of Roses (As the name describes)Personality: Very kind and loving, but can be fearce and ferociousCrush in relationship with: Can't say... it'll be with someone but didn't arrive yet.Bio: Originally, Rose was a member of the Hidden Sand Village. She was next in line to be the Kazekage, but she was rejected. She then masacared nearly all of the people in her village and then traveled to where she would be able to live freely. She heard of the RMD, and headed to a hideout. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingzone Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Name: Kaito Hyuuga--Nickname:White Eye DevilGender: MaleAge: 17[spoiler=Pic] Alighnment: (Leaf Village)Weapons:(Big spear that he keep cover on his back)Jutsu element: Water [spoiler=Jutsu list:]•Doujutsu Techniques Doujutsu, Taibu Sekishokyuu (Greater Barrier Sphere) Rank: C rank Range: Genin: 50 meters Chunnin: 250 Meters Jounin: 500 meters Type: Doujutsu Elemental Affinity: - Clan: Hyuuga Byakugan Description: Part of what makes a Hyuuga able to detect everything around them is the release of chakra to saturate their surroundings, it’s part of how the Byakugan works called the "Sekishokyuu". This chakra though subtle and barely perceptible even to the Hyuuga will aid them in detecting anything and everything for some distance around them, for a genin this is typically up to 50 meters, for Chunnin 250 meters etc… By slightly intensifying that chakra emission, the Hyuuga is able to greatly increase their awareness of their surroundings, the Chakra they emit becomes more easily perceptible to them, more easily observed. Anything passing through this Chakra or disrupting it, such as an individual, a different chakra, or projectile will cause a rather clear distortion within that Chakra that the Hyuuga will be able to perceive clearly, therefore allowing them to detect even that which might be invisible to them otherwise. The disturbed chakra paints a rather clear picture of what is coming, the Hyuuga could make out the full silhouette of the individual or item coming towards them, or sense the intensity and strength of an intruding chakra. As a side effect the Hyuuga’s reflexes and response time are also greatly increased by this technique. The Chakra used in this is minimal as it is done in small periodic bursts to keep the area saturated. •Chakra Control Streaking Chakra needles/Chakra Senbons Rank: C rank Range: 25 meters Type: Chakra Control Elemental Affinity: - Clan: Hyuuga - Jyuuken Description: A Jyuuken technique requiring relatively strong Chakra Control. The ninja Raises concentrates and fires off small needle like Chakra projectiles from any tenketsu in their Body. These Chakra needles are sharp and pierce into flesh and bone. When hitting a target these needled disrupt the targets chakra flow in the area where they hits. These needles are usually 3 inches long and hair thin, but contain enough concentrated chakra to be slightly visible to the normal eye as a thin shining sliver. This technique can be used to fire multiple needles at a time in rapid fire succession, increasing the total damage done, , , this can result in complete overwhelming of an opponent’s chakra system, or it can take them down on the pain alone or can simply be used to disable them long enough to close in and finish them off. or the Hyuuga can fire a burst of needles from each of her Tenketsus simultaneously in all direction from herself, this being effective mostly in close range, or they can be fired individually, one at a time. •Taijutsu Jyuuken-Hou Teiryuu (Paralyzing) Rank: C Range: - Type: Taijutsu Elemental Affinity: - Clan: Hyuuga Description: This is a simple Jyuuken Technique. By pressing specific tenketsu/pressure along key nerve clusters in a way so as to not close them but rather back them up and cause chakra surges within them, a Hyuuga can paralyses an opponent in place, prohibiting them from moving. To move again the victim will either need to have the tenketsus pressed again, which only a Hyuuga can do, or wait until their network re regulates itself, a process that can take a full 24 hours to happen. This technique can also be used locally, to paralyze specific body parts such as an arm or leg, this requires hitting fewer tenketsus obviously, only those related to the area the Hyuuga is attempting to affect. The strikes used for this technique are delivered with lightning speed, and require minimal actual contact. (Thanks To Kaguya Kai for this Jutsu) Jyuuken-Po, Sou Dou Shyou Rank: C Rank Range: Short (0-5m) Jutsu Type: Taijutsu Elemental Affinity: - Clan: Hyuuga - Jyuuken Description: A powerful Jyuuken attack used by striking the enemy with both arms open, and forcing chakra straight through them. By sending the chakra through the initial point of attack, this technique can be used to break through enemy shields, as the actual strike comes from the chakra after the palms hit. An clean hit from this technique will usually send the enemy flying, as well as injure some internal organs. No wounds will appear on the body after being struck, but the opponent's clothes are usually ripped by the chakra entering and exiting the body. Jyuuken-po Debari ???? - Jyuuken style, projected air palm Rank: - C Rank Range: Genin Range: 4 feet Chunin range: 6 Feet Jonin Range: 8 to 10 Feet Type: Taijutsu Clan: Hyuuga - Jyuuken Description: This is a Jyuuken technique where a Hyuuga will with each strike expulse an amount of charka rather then continuously flow charka from their hands as is usually done to perform Jyuuken. The expulsed charka flows out to 4 to 8 feet (depending on rank) allowing the Shinobi to attack their opponent from several feet away and each strike impacting despite no actual contact being made. Blows from this technique are the same as other Jyuuken blows in that they cause internal damage but unlike actual contact blows these cause no external Damage. This technique was developed by the Hyuuga so as to be able to use their Taijutsu mastery without having to approach an excessively dangerous adversary where direct contact could prove harmful such as an electrically charged adversaries, etc… Jyuuken –Hou, Toge Shou Rank: C Range: Close Type: Taijutsu Elemental Affinity: - Clan: Hyuuga Description: A basic Dragon Palm form Jyuuken strike which delivers quite a punch. This single strike done to any part of an opponent’s body (though usually somewhere on the torso or stomach) releasing a large amount of Chakra into an opponent causing great pain and internal damage to any organs in the area as the Hyuuga’s Chakra rushes through the victim’s local network. The strike can be debilitating and make continuing combat difficult, however only rarely does a single strike prove enough to finish a match (if it does than it usually means the strike connected and damaged the heart). •Ninjutsu Kai Rank: C Range: - Type: Ninjutsu Elemental affinity: - Clan: - Kai is a Ninjutsu technique which allows the ninja to avoid the effects of a Genjutsu illusion. After forming the needed handseals, the Genjutsu technique will not affect the ninja. The ninja can also use the technique on another individual who was unable to avoid the attack. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja touches the one affected to end the affect of the spell. Suiton techniquesKaito takes after his uncle in terms of his elemental affinity, unlike his father who had wind or his cousin Akemi who has lightning, Kaito has Water. Mizurappa - Violent Water Wave Rank: C Rank Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m) Type: Ninjutsu Elemental Affinity: Suiton - Water Clan: - Description: Suiton - Mizurappa is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed hand seals, the Shinobi will expel a strong jet of water from their mouth at their opponent. The water hit’s hard with significant concussive force. It easily pushes an opponent off their feet and pushes them away, it can knock them out depending on the force put behind it and the distance of the target. Also If close enough it hits with enough force to easily break bone. Mizu Kamikiri - Rising Water Cutter Rank: C Rank Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m) Type: Ninjutsu Elemental Affinity: Suiton - Water Clan: - Description: Mizu Kamikiri is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the necessary 5 hand signs Kaito will stop her foot onto the ground before her in the direction of her opponent, causing water to rise up and travel towards her target as a slicing jet rising up to 5 feet high. This jet slices right out and through the ground on its way towards the target. The cutting edge is similar to a Kunai. in this case it can easily cut through flesh but not quite bone, though it will nick bone if it gets to it. Suiton, Mizu Oni Kuike - Water Release, Water Demon's Appetite Rank: C Rank Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m) Type: Ninjutsu Elemental Affinity: Suiton - Water Clan: - Description: Mizu Oni Kuike is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. If standing on a large body of water, and after forming the needed 5 hand signs, Kaito will clench her hands together focusing her chakra, this will cause the water below an opponent to erupt out as if a giant demon’s mouth capturing and swallowing an opponent taking them to the depths below (up to 20 feet deep). Once taken below a victim could always swim back up if they still have breath. Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu - Water Clone Technique Rank: C Rank Range: 30 feet Type: Ninjutsu Elemental Affinity: Suiton - Water Clan: - Description: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Mizu Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. The range of the clone is limited however, it cannot travel very far from the original body. If the Mizu Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural water state. Sub-Org: (Anbu)(optional) Personality:Kaito's personality has seen a shift recently, partly due to becoming a Man, the main reason for the changes however si due to his father’s passing. Since this incident Kaito has become rather withdrawn and confrontational. He used to be a rather upbeat individual, a happy child always seeming to be smiling, but he has become much more introverted since. He can often seem cold or even irritated to those he does not know, sometimes even appearing hostile but in truth he isn’t, despite his rather harsh exterior presence his father’s passing has awakened an intense protective nature within him, often seeking to protect people from harm when he sees them threatened he will none the less be more than willing to harshly criticize those victims afterwards for not better being able to protect themselves or for getting into trouble in the first place. he's come to possess a perticular disgust for weakness. Bio:Born 17 years ago to Megumi and Noburu Hyuuga, members of a Hyuuga branch family. Kaito was raised in a close nit and loving home with close ties to his Uncle’s Satsuya Hyuuga house . He is cousin to Akemi Hyuuga and was raised to view her as a sister. A Relationship that developed very closely after Akemi’s father, Satsuya, died in the line of duty and kaito’s father took on his brother’s family under his own care. Seeing to their needs and taking up Akemi’s training and apprenticeship. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kmartz Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Name:KurikuAge:21Apperance:http://s.bebo.com/app-image/7938710311/5...ixwolf.jpgAlighnment: RMDElements:Gravity and lightingJutsu:Name: Graviton Orariru-Smashing Gravity PunchRank: CRange: Close (0m ~ 5m)Jutsu Type: TaijutsuElemental Affinity: Graviton-GravityDescription: A Taijutsu technique utilizing the Gravity Element. The user focuses his chakra into thier fist then they do the necessary hand seals and the gravity surrounding their body will change for them it will lower the gravity around then so they can move much faster then when the user kick or punches the gravity becoms much heavier so even if the opponent dodges the actual punch the gravity will lower and it will still hit the opponent this makes it very hard to dodge. Name: Graviton Contriolo-Graviy ControleRank: ARange: SelfJutsu Type: NinjutsuElemental Affinity:Graviton-GravityDescription: A Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Gravity Element. This Jutsu is only used for defence. First the user does the necessary hand seals and the gravity around the user will become 10 times heavier but the user will not fell this.The gravity will only stay like this for 3 minutes but for these three minutes nuthing can hurt you due to how heavy the gravity is all justus that comes close will be slamed into the ground same thing will happen to people.Name: Graviton Seo-Gravity SwordRank: BRange: Close (0m ~ 5m)Jutsu Type: NinjutsuElemental Affinity: Graviton-GravityDescription: A Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Gravity element. After forming the needed hand seals, the user will focus their chakra into their palms then they will form a sword of chakra.This swords is able to cut through anything but the use can only attack with this swords three times. Name: Graviton Crateon-Gravity CraterRank: ARange: Mid (5m ~ 10m)Jutsu Type: TaijutsuElemental Affinity: Graviton-GravityDescription: A Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Gravity element. After forming the needed hand seals, the user will focus their chakra into their entire body then the jutsu will become heavier in a instant it will increase so much it will create a giant crater Destroying anything in its range. Name: Graviton Greorain-Gravity RainRank: BRange: 10mJutsu Type: NinjutsuElemental Affinity: Graviton-GravityDescription: A Ninjutsu technique utilizing the gravtiy element.After forming the needed hand seals, the user will thrust his hands towards the sky.The sky will then turn black and it will start to rain but it is not normal rain it is a gravtiy warping rain.Any thing this rain hits gets smashed with what fells like a hundred pound weight this does not effect the user due to when the user is useing this justu a invisable shield surrounds the user while this jutsu is in effect.This effect can only last 3 minutes. Name: Interlocking Gravity FateRank: BRange: SelfJutsu Type: NinjutsuElemental Affinity:Graviton-GravityDescription: This move can only be used after the user has been attacked and if blood was drawn if this happeneds then the user will do the needed hand seals then after this the user will act like nothing happened.The target will know what happened soon into the battle what this justu does is it interlockes the user and the targets fate if the user is hurt attacked or killed then the target has the same thin done onto them but if the target is hurt the user is not hurt.Whiel the user is useing this jutsu the user cannot use anyother jutsus. Name: Gravity ColapseRank: ARange: 25mJutsu Type: GenjutsuElemental Affinity: Graviton-GravityDescription: This jutsu is one of his last resort jutsus.The user will do the nedded hand sighs then press his hands onto the ground.This will send blast waves under the ground that cannot be seen by the naked eye if you are in the range of the waves everything around you will start to change and swirl and it will feel like every thing aroung you is colapseing in and being torn apart it will destroy the opponents mind and eventually kill them. Name: Death Bringer Gravity NinjaRank: ARange: 10m~25mJutsu Type: NinjutsuElemental Affinity: Gravitron-GravityDescription: This just drains the users chakra quikly.The user will do the needed hand sighs then jumps away from the battle then a clone appears were the user was this is the ultimate clone.This clone has smashing gravity punch always activated he can use many gravity jutsus.This clone is not like other clones he can take many hits he will stay in the battle untill the user runs out of chakra or ends the jutsu. Name: Ultimate Gravtiy Jutsu-Gravity Mind ObliterationRank: SRange: 25mJutsu Type: GenjutsuElemental Affinity: Graviton-GravityDescription: This is the Ultimate last reasort move.The user will do the needed hand sighs then a pulse will be sent through the air traveling at the speed of light so it is almost imposible to dodge.When this pulse hits the opponent they will automatically die their minds will be compleatly destroyed do to this pulse condenses the gravily and makes it so much heavier on the skull and brain that it is crushed in a instint.This same effect happeneds to the user so the user dies useing this move also in the begining of the hand seals the user can tell if anyone is a clone so the user can tell if he should use this jutsu or not.And many more. Kekai genkai:Gravingon Allows Kuriku to use a new type of jutsu the gravity jutsu or grativonWeapon:Wakizashi Bio:He has always strived to be the best he had a brother who was only one year older but it you looked at their skills they were years apart so he trained and trained non stop. Till one day were he tough he was ready to face his brother but when he came back home from training for the day he found out his brother went on a mission no big deal. He just thought that he would challenege his brother when his brother got back but his brother was killed by an Anbu member now he fights in memory of his brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Name: TekanoGender: MalePic: Alignment: RMD (may i be 2nd in command?)Weapons: sword with indents that can be filled with various substances and has weird marking which glow when one of the time techniques are being used (and extending the length by 1m by eating the users chakra)Jutsu element: Time & Earth[spoiler=[b]Jutsu list:[/b]]Name: Timus Spot - Time SealRank: unknown, SealRange: SelfJutsu type: Juinjutsu/Fuinjutsu?Elemental Affinity: Timus-timeDescription: a seal which allows a person it is placed on the ability to affect time with special jutsu. the seal looks similar to the blue partion of --> . when the seals power is activated the user has a red target in their euyes and has red lines from the sides of their heads leading to the edge of that sides eye (dont have one for the red line bit yet..). this seals power must be activated for time techniques to be used. Name: Timus Manipulator - Time Control TechniqueRank: BRange: Close-Mid (0m ~ 10m)Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu/TaijutsuElemental Affinity: Timus-TimeDescription: A Taijutsu technique utilizing the element of time. this jutsu slow down time around the user slightly in a 10m radius allowing him to move faster than normal shinobi. this jutsu can also affect others who the user was in contact with when activating Name: Timus Smash - Time Crush TechniqueRank: ARange: Close (0m ~ 3m)Jutsu Type: GenjutsuElemental Affinity: Timus-timeDescription: this genjutsu makes the user believe that they are going faster then the opponent, believing they dodge attacks while they are still doging and get hit. this genjutsu only affect those withing 3 metres. Name: Timus Speed - Time Forward TechniqueRank: ARange: SelfJutsu Type: TaijutsuElemental Affinity: Time and EarthDescription: This taijutsu technique gives the user an increase in speed. this increase can allow them to move as is others are going in slow motion but attacks in this form do halve the usual damage due to the faster blood flow causing their body to pump faster making more power used in natural movements. Name: Timus Shutdown - Time Pause TechniqueRank: SRange: Close (0m ~ 1m)Jutsu Type: NinjutsuElemental Affinity: Timus-timeDescription: This jutsu pauses all objects within a 1m of user when the handsigns are finished. the objects still feel pain and react slightly but are frozen in tim, until they have atleast 1m difference between themselves and the user of the jutsu. the atacks used inside theis Ninjutsu hurt the user due to the opponents body not moving causing the bones to smash into the attacks. Name: Timus back - Time Rewind techniqueRank: ARange: AllJutsu Type: NinjutsuElemental Affinity: Timus-timeDescription: this technique can only bhe activated when its user is on the verge of death. when this ninjutsu is activated they reverse in time healing and returning to previous state at a point in which they choose. this technique causes the users lifetime to shorten each time used. Name: Earth Release: Station of a Mole, Pause of Time TechniqueRank: SRange: Close (0m ~ 2.5m)Jutsu Type: NinjutsuElemental Affinity: Earth and Timus-timeDescription: this ninjutsu make the ground in a 2.5m distance turn like sand absorbing all living things within that range, under the ground it becomes easy to move as standing size caverns appear allowing them to move. the ground above hardens until either the user of the jutsu is killed or the user of this jutsu is knocked unconscious. people affected by this jutsu move slower then usual and as they arise from the ground nothing seems to have happened. Sub-Org: RMD Elite SquadPersonality: kind, but when engaged in battle jokes with his enemies until they hit him then turning serious.Crush in relationship with: Rose FudoBio: Tekano was a close friend to Kuriku and his brother, helping kuriku train when he could. when he heard of Kuriku's brothers death he joined kuriku to fight in memories of him. since joing Kuriku he trained with his techniques managing to combin both of his elements into a single technique near unescapable. he trained with this technique and realized he could only stop it by slipping out of consciousness so after making this technique he trained until he could perfectly preform Feigning Sleep Technique. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damiano Tosē Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 all accepted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Dark necro you dont get to accept i do abut yea all accepted and yes you can Anbu leader Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damiano Tosē Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 whoops sorry about that hikiri...wasn't thinking straight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Will start when we get two more for each alighnment Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Danaka setting on his throne like chair thinks to himself 'How should i do this taking over the Sand village.Maybe a straight brute way send all of the troops. Or maybe send a few at a time.' Danaka stands up and stretches and walks into his private quarters grabs hs equipment and walks outside to go scout the sound village. Hiruta wakes up in his room thinking 'Wander what the day has in store for me.' Hiruta walks outside fully dressed with all his equpment and starts to walk to the Hokage's office. On his way there he stops at the Raman shop and gets something to eat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrownedClown Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Tasaki's eyes darted from Person to Person Bisuke's following her gaze. Her Deep Amber Eyes seemed to surprise the Villagers "Hmm... Why is it I am treated like a Wanted Woman?" she asked herself as she entered the Ramen Shop, and Ordered 2 Bowls of Beef Ramen, one for her, and one for Bisuke. The Ninken jumped off her shoulder and began to eat up the Ramen. Tasaki snapped the Chopsticks apart and began to eat, the Workers at the Shop seemed to be whispering about her Left Arm and why it was Black, and covered with Orange Markings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Hinuta knotices the sudden burst of activity over the woman who walked in. He looks at her then looks away. Then he orders 3 bowls of Raman and starts to eat it then looks at her and asks,"Are you from the sand village mam?" Hinuta then waits for a responce. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrownedClown Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 "Well, lets see: Relieving and Thin Clothes, Skinny and Tanned... " Tasaki said, glaring at the Workers, who where still whispering about her Left Arm "The hell do ya think!?" she said, sarcastically. She raised her Left Arm and placed the Money for her Ramen, Hinuta was able to see the Arm, but only for the 5 Seconds it took her to place the Money on the Counter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Hinuta laughs and says,"I deserve that for aking such a stupid question.So whatbrings you here to the Leaf village?" Hinuta pays for his Raman aswell and stands up. Danaka makes it to the sand village and jumps the walls. He then goes to the highest builting gets on top of it and looks for weak points in the villages defences. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kmartz Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Kuriku sees Danaka and follows keeping his distance he thinks so next is the sand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrownedClown Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Tasaki sighed lightly, seeing that Hinuta "I don't like to talk about it really... " she said as Bisuke hopped onto her shoulder. "But, lets just say: Where I was, It was a Fight For Survival" she explained. "And why did you decide to come here?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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