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Zantelga/Other Stuff (Updated! Seven cards now~)


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I'm not really that well-versed in the game, only played for like a month online, buuut Djiini got me into this generator. So yay. The stuff might not be balanced, but uhm... Woo! Most of the cards posted here will be related to my RP characters, or randomness. Balance tips and ratings would be much appreciated!



Based off one of my first characters, one that absorbs blood for power. NOT A VAMPIRE! :P Image credit for the Ritual goes to Meiberu x3

[spoiler=Warrior / Ritual / Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned using the Ritual Spell Card, "Never Turn Back". When this card is summoned, remove 1 "Aera Saegusa" card in your graveyard from play. If you do not, this card is destroyed. When summoned, this card's original ATK and DEF are equal to half the difference of 8000 and its owner's Life Points. During either player's Battle Phase, increase this card's ATK by 250 whenever battle damage is inflicted to either player's Life Points.



Not my character, but I had the image, so eh.


Another one of my first characters. A runologist, detective, and marksman.

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