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A Beast/Beast-Warrior Charmer? (Self-Drawn again)


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[spoiler=Ippiki the Beast Charmer]5415u.jpg

When this card is Summoned, take control of 1 Beast-Type or Beast-Warrior-Type monster your opponent controls, while this card remains face-up on the field. This card is also treated as Warrior-Type while it is face-up on the field. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, Beast-Type and Beast-Warrior-Type monsters your opponent controls cannot declare an attack.



Eh, My little sister came up with the idea that Ippiki should also be a hunter or something, as the "Also Treated as Warrior-Type" thing :P, she still has a Charmer effect with her ability to take A Beast or Beast-Warrior, the thing that stops your opponents Beasts and Beast-Warriors from attacking is cause usually, animals, which would be the 'Beasts' in this case, usually fear the human/other animal hunting them.


Aside from giving her skin color, I didn't bother to do anything with her in Paint, also, Her and Hana are supposed to be twins, Just so you know :P. Don't ask why Sangan is her Familiar instead of a Beast/Beast-Warrior..., Also, that's a sword strapped to her leg, and she's supposed to have a dagger/knife in her pocket...


Art is © me XD, Background is Sogen, it and Sangan are © Konami/Kazuki Takahashi.

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I would reverse the effect' date=' put the summoned effect first, then warrior-type, then its cannot attack effect.


Random art but good to say its self drawn ^_^


Only useful if you know your Opp has said monsters.





lol, Yeah, I should've, just fixed it XD.


lol, If you can't find what your looking for, try to draw it XD.


Could come in handy against GB, as most are Beasts or Beast-Warriors :P.

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