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Megan Fox is Nude!!!


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Btw here is my macro monarch burn deck. Any useful suggestions are welcome.


Monsters: 22


3x Thestalos

3x Caius


2x DD Survivor

3x DD Scout Plane

2x Solar Flare Dragon

2x Cyber Valley

2x Fire Princess

1x Morphing Jar

2x Necroface

2x Krebons


Magic Cards: 12


2x Soul Absorption

2x Soul Exchange

1x Card Destruction

3x Dimensional Fissure

2x Allure of Darkness

2x DDR


Trap Cards:9


2x DD Dynamite

2x Robbin Goblin

2x Macro Cosmos

2x Dark Bribe

1x RftDD


Deck: 43 cards


Extra Deck: 7


3x Iron Chain Dragon

2x Red Dragon Archfiend

2x Thought Ruler Archfiend

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um guise she's not even hot people who're in the closet just pretend they think she's really hot so people might not think they're gay, that being said megan fox is really hot.


Ditch the Absorptions and Fire Princesses. Ditch the Thests for DDWLs, ditch the Soul Exhanges for 2 BTHs and a Torrential. Ditch the Solar Flares for 1 Raiza and 1 Mirror Force. Ditch a DDR for another Raiza. Ditch 1 Plane for 1 Survivor.


There we go. Less burn, but should be better.

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