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Test: How low-budget is low-budget?


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Something I tell all the n00bs who say 'Screw you, I don't have any money!' is: 'Neither have I but I don't fail!'.

I'm now going to confirm that I'm right and that n00bs are wrong.

My Crapdown Deck, with all the card values according to YuGiCo.com:


Monsters (13)

Legendary Jujitsu Master (€0,80)

Legendary Jujitsu Master (€0,80)

Legendary Jujitsu Master (€0,80)

Wall of Illusion (€0,30)

Wall of Illusion (€0,30)

Wall of Illusion (€0,30)

Penguin Soldier (€0,70)

Penguin Soldier (€0,70)

Marshmallon (€1,10)

Spirit Reaper (€2,40)

Mask of Darkness (€0,60)

Mask of Darkness (€0,60)


TOTAL MONSTERS: €9,40 (= $13,8)


Spells (18)

Final Countdown (€0,60)

Final Countdown (€0,60)

Final Countdown (€0,60)

Level Limit-Area B (€1,60)

Messenger of Peace (€1,80)

Messenger of Peace (€1,80)

Messenger of Peace (€1,80)

Nightmare's Steelcage (€4,00) (WTF?)

Nightmare's Steelcage (€4,00)

Nightmare's Steelcage (€4,00)

Swords of Revealing Light (€0,20)

Soul Taker (€13,30) (EVEN MORE WTF!)

Soul Taker (€13,30)

Lightning Vortex (€0,90)

Lightning Vortex (€0,90)

Upstart Goblin (€0,30)

Upstart Goblin (€0,30)

Upstart Goblin (€0,30)


TOTAL SPELLS: €50,3 (=$74,00)


Traps (10)

Waboku (€1,10)

Waboku (€1,10)

Waboku (€1,10)

Threatening Roar (€0,30)

Threatening Roar (€0,30)

Threatening Roar (€0,30)

Gravity Bind (€0,60)

Torrential Tribute (€2,50)

Mirror Force (€21,00)


TOTAL TRAPS: €28,3 ($41,51)


TOTAL: €88 (=$130)




*YuGiCo.com is inaccurate. I paid only 30 cents for my Steelcages, a euro for both my Soul Takers and the same amount for Spirit Reaper. (At garage sales, of course.) This would reduce the Deck cost by:

€3,70 * 3 + €12,30 * 2 + €1,40 = €48,2 = $70.71.

In that case, the total cost would be €39,8 = $58,38.


*Low-budget Deck is low-budget.


*My Mirror Force is worth as much as the rest of my Deck. =D


*My entire Deck is cheaper than an Honest.


*My side consists of Commons, so that'll be cheap too.

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My Frog Deck cost around £20' date=' and it was pretty damn near perfect, just missing some cards like MF which are serious-costly.



Could you PM me the Deck Recipe?

I love low-budget!




This is the record I made when planning my shopping for the Frog Deck:


Total Cards - 30


15 monsters:


3x Substitoad ($1.70*3 - $5.10)

3x Dupe Frog ($0.20*3 - $0.60)

3x Submarine Frog ($0.20*3 - $0.60)

2x Flip Flop Frog ($0.40*2 - $0.80)

2x Junk Synchron ($0.70*2 - $1.40)

1x Penguin Soldier ($0.50)

1x Treeborn Frog ($1.00)


Total - $10.00


8 Spells:


3x Wetlands ($0.80*3 - $2.40)

2x Terraforming ($0.25*2 - $0.50)

2x Salvage ($0.25*2 - $0.50)

1x One for One ($1.00)


Total - $4.40


7 Traps:


3x Graveful Revival ($0.50*3 - $1.50)

3x Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord ($0.20*3 - $0.60)

1x Gravity Bind ($0.50)


Total - $2.60


MainDeck Total - $17.00




2x Junk Warrior ($1.60*2 - $3.20)


Total - $3.20


Full Deck - $20.20 (around £14)


The rest was made up of cards I already have, some Mother Grizzly, Heavy, MST, a PoA, MR (last format) a Book of Moon, another Penguin. I don't have the Deck as a whole anymore, so all that's left is my shopping record - and I'm trying to remember which site this was, those are cheaper than I thought o.o




No need to hide it in a PM. Frogs are cheap, seriously, damn, cheap.

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My Frog Deck cost around £20' date=' and it was pretty damn near perfect, just missing some cards like MF which are serious-costly.



Could you PM me the Deck Recipe?

I love low-budget!




This is the record I made when planning my shopping for the Frog Deck:


Total Cards - 30


15 monsters:


3x Substitoad ($1.70*3 - $5.10)

3x Dupe Frog ($0.20*3 - $0.60)

3x Submarine Frog ($0.20*3 - $0.60)

2x Flip Flop Frog ($0.40*2 - $0.80)

2x Junk Synchron ($0.70*2 - $1.40)

1x Penguin Soldier ($0.50)

1x Treeborn Frog ($1.00)


Total - $10.00


8 Spells:


3x Wetlands ($0.80*3 - $2.40)

2x Terraforming ($0.25*2 - $0.50)

2x Salvage ($0.25*2 - $0.50)

1x One for One ($1.00)


Total - $4.40


7 Traps:


3x Graveful Revival ($0.50*3 - $1.50)

3x Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord ($0.20*3 - $0.60)

1x Gravity Bind ($0.50)


Total - $2.60


MainDeck Total - $17.00




2x Junk Warrior ($1.60*2 - $3.20)


Total - $3.20


Full Deck - $20.20 (around £14)


The rest was made up of cards I already have, some Mother Grizzly, Heavy, MST, a PoA, MR (last format) a Book of Moon, another Penguin. I don't have the Deck as a whole anymore, so all that's left is my shopping record - and I'm trying to remember which site this was, those are cheaper than I thought o.o




No need to hide it in a PM. Frogs are cheap, seriously, damn, cheap.


I'd actually prefer the full Deck, plz?

I think I can build that.

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I assume that the full Deck was something along the lines of that with these added



MR (replace with CoTH this format)

1 Penguin Soldier

1 Book of Moon

3 Mother Grizzly

2 Unifrog (I have those... probably in the same order... not sure why they weren't on the list)


Of course, edit with any other cards you might have, that was just a skeleton Deck I grabbed for next-to-nothing and added in some of my own cards.

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I forgot, I do run 1 super rare in Rai-Mei


Monsters - 18

x3 Ojama Blue - 1.25$

x3 Ojama Red - 1.25$

x2 Ojama Black - .50$

x2 Ojama Green - .50$

x2 Ojama Yellow - .50$

x2 Sea Koala - .50$

x1 Rescue Cat - 4.00$

x1 Rai-Mei - 1.00$

x1 Sangan - 2.00$

x1 Snipe Hunter - .25$


Spells - 19

x3 Ojama Country - 1.50$

x3 Super Polymerization - 3.50$

x3 The Big March of Animals - .75$

x2 Ojamagic - .50$

x2 Ojama Delta Hurricane! - .50$

x1 Pot of Avarice - 1.50$

x1 Hand Destruction - 7.50$

x1 Mystic Box - 2.00$

x1 Heavy Storm - .25$

x1 Giant Trunade - .25$

x1 Lightning Vortex - .25$


Traps - 3

x1 Ojama Trio - 1.00$

x1 Magical Hats - .50$

x1 Mirror Force (can sub Torrential Tribute) -1.00$ (or 25$ for Mirror Force)


Extra - 6

x3 Ojama King - 1.50$

x3 Ojama Knight - .75$



I forgot I put in Hand Destruction (which I pulled)

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