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SSBB: School of Smash! (Basic)


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OK, I have no idea why a mod would lock Brawler's Hotel. But, I have made a replacement. Now all can enjoy it's ludicrousness! Basically, I took the bralwer's gang and put them in a high school. Enjoy!





Any Info:

1st Period:

2nd Period:

3rd Period:

4th Period:


5th Period:

6th Period:

7th Period:


You can have up to 2 characters. If you want to use a custom char, use this:





Any Info:

1st Period:

2nd Period:

3rd Period:

4th Period:


5th Period:

6th Period:

7th Period:


My Forms:


Brawler: Link

Any Info: N/A

1st Period: Swordsmanship

2nd Period: Archery

3rd Period: Potions

4th Period: Math


5th Period: Science

6th Period: P.E.

7th Period: Horse Riding


Name: Ryu

Age: 16 (Younger one)

Appearence: Black tanktop, blonde spiky hair, black trousers, and a black tattoo on his right arm

Any Info: Turns into a lizard man, with an axe

1st Period: Swordsmanship

2nd Period: P.E.

3rd Period: Math

4th Period: Combat


5th Period: Transformations

6th Period: Art

7th Period: Science


[spoiler=Reserved] Yata - Flandre scarlet

Zelda - Golden Light

Meta Knight - TurboTom


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Guest Tainted Black

Brawler: Ike

Any Info: He's from FE.

1st Period: Swordsmanship (AKA all weapons LOL)

2nd Period: Defense against Magic.

3rd Period: Math

4th Period: History


5th Period: Skill(s) Training.

6th Period: P.E.

7th Period: Art of War.


Name: Hector

Age: 18? (No one is quite sure... IRL)

Appearence: http://media.photobucket.com/image/hector%20fire/WindGuru/10901da6.jpg

Any Info: From FE7 (Fire Emblem 7) Look it up on wiki.

1st Period: Swordsmanship (And Axes)

2nd Period: P.E.

3rd Period: Stealth

4th Period: History


5th Period: Math

6th Period: Weight Training

7th Period: Art of war

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Brawler: Zelda/Shiek

Any Info: N/A

1st Period: Transformations

2nd Period: Archery

3rd Period: Science

4th Period: Magic


5th Period: Skill(s) Training

6th Period: P.E.

7th Period: Math



(By the way, ever since the lock of that thread, Flandre went to the General Section and TurboTom just disappeared... I look for TT all day yet I cannot find him.)

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All accepted. Also, I know what you are talking about GL, ever since the end of HB and the lock of Brawler's, haven't really had much to do.

OoC:Erm, suppose we can start



Link walks around campus, trying to burn off the last minutes. He has Swrodsmanship in 15 minutes. He already used some extra rupees to buy a popsicle. He just needed something to do.

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Guest Tainted Black

Ike was walking around before class. "Please don't let him.... Please Ashera don-" "HEY IKE!!!!!" Hector yelled followed by Ike saying "Crap..." under his breath. He finally got AWAY from Hector and he shows up HERE of all places..... WEll..... what is one to do? Ignore him. "IKE!!! I got in!" "How?" "I fight well!!!" Ike thought "Wow.... proper grammar..." and said aloud "I gotta go." hector replied with "K! See ya!" Ike sped off.

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Zelda was spying on Link. A few girls in the opposite bush were spying on Link, too. There were some girls in the bush behind Zelda, spying on Ike. They all giggled every 2 minutes.


"You think they'll step on it?" a random girl called.


"They're boys, they have to!" another girl replied.

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Guest Tainted Black

Ike noticed the laughing. Being raised as a mercenary had perks. He decided he was going to stay put for now. If they tried anything.... "Dear Lord, don't be Fangirls..." He thought

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"Oh well, we can get them later." Zelda mumbled. Now everyone knew where the trap was posted.


"We were doing nothing, Yata." a girl said, yougest of them all. "Just giggling, that's all.


Hector activated a trap door, which he stumbled into. A metal vent was underneath, and Hector slid down it at a fast speed. As he was speeding down, a wall came up to greet him.

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Guest Tainted Black

"AAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Hector yelled, before, ironically, falling on Ike "HEY! For once I'm the one falling! Not get fallen on!!!" Hector smiled


"uuuugggggghhhh" Ike yelled underneath heavy, armored Hector

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