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The Ten Magicians!


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The 10 Magicians are here!






Magician IX - The Prophet's effect:

This card cannot be destroyed by battle as long as there is at least one "Magician" monster that is face-up in your Deck. During your End Phase, you may shuffle this card into your Deck face-up, then during your opponent's Standby Phase, look at the top 9 cards of your deck. If this card is one of the 9 cards, Special Summon it to your side of the field, then your opponent's turn ends, and shuffle the rest of the cards into your deck. If not, send those 9 cards to the Graveyard, and skip your next turn.

Magician X - The King's effect:

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned if you have 16 or more "Magician" monsters face-up in your Deck. This card cannot be removed from the field by Spells, Traps, or Monster effects except the effect of this card. When this card destroys a monster by battle, deal 2000 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. You may shuffle this card into your Deck face-up to deal Direct Damage equal to the number of "Magician" monsters face-up in your Deck x 900.


And the outcast Magician, whose powers are different from the usual...



And now...the Magician main support cards...





Some Magicians have their own support card like these...




This is the basic Magician set. Please tell people to come here. You are free to make your own Magician cards! (I don't care if they rock, suck, or anything)

But please tell people. Have a great time ;)

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Amazing but I had higher hopes.

Originality 10/10

Creativity 20/20

Traps 7/10 (OCG work)

Spells 9/10

Pics 6/10 (Some are a tad blurry and could be changed)

Effects 8/10 (Magician 9 or IX- The King is OPed its a good effect but lower 2000 to 500 or 250 x cards of field or in hand etc etc)

Final Score 60/75 (I do either by 25 50 75 & 100 depends on variation say you don't have any Traps rate it 0/0 so it varies. If it goes over say 25 by just 1 or 2. 26 - 30 its either a low 50 or High 25.)


[EDIT] Meant to say Magician 10 or X- The King

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Tell you the truth I think it will but make it 15, because its easier by 5's. Oh Card Bugger would annoying an expert duelist I give it 5/5 but instead for Monster make it

Monster: Opponent Choses ATK or DEF. They recive half that monster chosen stat as direct damage.

Add Magic with an effect like

Magic: Remove this card from play till the opponent's next Main Phase 1 then add that card to their hand. Something like that.

Rated Thread 4/5

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