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alright guys crunch time for locals tommorow


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im deffo gonna test this out at locals tommoro


light stun


16| Monsters


3| Shining Angel

3| D.D. Warrior Lady

3| Cyber Valley

1| Sangan

3| Dimensional Alchemist

3| D.D. Assailant


15| Spells


1| Reinforcement of the Army

3| Light of Redemption

3| Book of Moon

3| Smashing Ground

1| Fissure

1| Giant Trunade

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Brain Control

1| Mind Control


10| Traps


1| Return From the Different Dimension

1| Torrential Tribute

2| Bottomless Trap Hole

3| Skill Drain

3| Royal Oppression

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you are missing thunderkings


true but i only have 2 :( im looking to get my third one now' date=' the tourny starts in an hour. i almost ran oppression vayu



Run 2 if you can't find a 3rd, 2 is better than 0. Also, and this is just to help the deck in general, not for the tourney, the 9 (soon 11-12) LIGHT monsters with 0 Honest is pro, course I could be missing the ENTIRE purpose of the deck, but anti-meta with that many LIGHTs and 0 Honest doesn't seem right...

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you are missing thunderkings


true but i only have 2 :( im looking to get my third one now' date=' the tourny starts in an hour. i almost ran oppression vayu



Run 2 if you can't find a 3rd, 2 is better than 0. Also, and this is just to help the deck in general, not for the tourney, the 9 (soon 11-12) LIGHT monsters with 0 Honest is pro, course I could be missing the ENTIRE purpose of the deck, but anti-meta with that many LIGHTs and 0 Honest doesn't seem right...


they were in my deck, but d.d. ass works better because it will just remove anyways, if they attack over. plus alot of duelists here today are playing ls so im getting annoyed with the amound of honest honest plays that f me over. but secondly i havent got room. ol yer i couldnt get a third so im playing to kings and and 1 freed.


ol yer i won my first match, gbs couldnt touch me

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