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Mmm! Tasty! (Vanilla Ritual Support)


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Other than the fact that people already abuse the effect of Advanced Ritual Art with ritual decks, (making it limited to 1) I like the idea of this card a lot, it has some potenital.


It's a bit too overpowered because it's very difficult to destroy. Powerful with an anti-destruction effect. I'd recommend lowering its attack a lot more maybe to 2000. (I'd also recommend giving it it's own ritual card because if it were a real card it'd never be summoned due to the fact, as I said earlier, Advanced Ritual Art is limited to 1)


The pic is okay, a bit distorted but overall nothing special.



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Paying LP isn't that huge of a drawback, especially if it's to summon a powerful monster which is difficult to destroy. On top of that, summoning it sends a bunch of normal monsters to the Graveyard and they can be any you choose. (Even two Blue Eyes :D)Which is were you want them to be because they're easy to summon in the Grave.

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