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The Emblem of Oppression

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Ok, so after hearing the fact that Vayu's removal is at the resolve of the effect and is not a cost, I thought I would try my hand at a Vayu Control deck of sorts.


The Emblem of Oppression [41]


Monsters: [21]


2| Blackwing - Blizzard of the Far North

3| Blackwing - Bora the Spear

1| Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

3| Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow

3| Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame

3| Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn

2| Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor

1| Dark Armed Dragon

2| Dark Grepher

1| Plaguespreader Zombie


Spells: [13]


2| Allure of Darkness

3| Black Whirlwind

2| Book of Moon

1| Brain Control

1| Giant Trunade

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

2| Soul Taker


Traps: [7]


2| Bottomless Trap Hole

1| Mirror Force

2| Royal Oppression

1| The Transmigration Prophecy

1| Torrential Tribute


Side Deck: [15]


2| D.D. Crow

2| Divine Wrath

1| Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

2| Icarus Attack

2| Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

3| Light-Imprisoning Mirror

3| Mirror of Oaths


Yeps, rate/fix/hate/flame blah blah blah...


Thanks in advance!

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I can onlg count 39.


There are 21 monsters not 19.


I don't like Prophecy and Soul Taker.

Maybe neg them for 2 Icarus. Vayu is great Icarus food.

This will make the deck 40 cards.


Oh and you need Skill Drains in the side.


Prophecy is great control and allow me to either reuse something or just mess-up my oppoenent. Soul Taker is changable, but I've just found it useful, though Icarus might be a better change.

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