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The "Bagon Chronicles" set so far

Lightning Bagon

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The "Bagon Chronicles" set so far


[spoiler=1 half]





1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more non-Tuner Monster.

When this card is successfully Synchro Summoned it gains 800 ATk points for every monster used in it's Synchro Summon. Destroy 1 monster your opponent controls by removing from your Graveyard 1 monster with equal ATK points of that monster.




If you control a DARK monster, you can Special Summon this card. You can Tribute this card to return 1 DARK monster you control to the Deck, and then Special Summon 1 DARK monster with a level equal or lower than the returned monster from your Deck. You take damage equal to the Battle Damage your opponent takes involving a monster Special Summoned by this effect.






[spoiler=2 half]





There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. Onec per turn during your opponent's Draw Phase you can discard 1 card from your hand to draw 1 card. If you drew a Earthbound Immortal you can Tribute this card to Special Summon then drawn card. If that monster has 3000 ATK or less pay 500 Life Points to raise the ATK by 500.





1 DARK monster + 1 Winged-Beast- Type monster + 1 Fiend- Type monster

If this card attacks a Beast or Beast Warrior-Type monster, it loses 300 ATK. If this card destroys a Beast or Beast Warrior-Type monster, you can pay 600 Life Points to destroy 1 face-up Spell or Trap Card on the field.






[spoiler=3 half]



This card is also Treated as a Aqua-Type monster. This card can be Normal Summoned in face-up Defense mode. If this card is in face-up Defense mode, it is unaffected by all opposing card effects. On your Standby Phase, add 1 Night Counter to this card. Remove 2 Night Counters to negate this card’s battle destruction.




1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more non-Tuner Monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned give it the appropite effect from the used Synchro matriel: Fairy LIGHT: Destroy all spell cards on the field. Pyro Fire: Destroy all trap cards on the field. Fiend DARK: Destroy 1 monster on the field. Aqua WATER: Your opponent discards the top 3 cards on there deck. Winged beast WIND: Your opponent discards there extra deck. Beast EARTH: Select 1 monster card on the field that card gains 500 ATK and DEF.



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It's pretty simple and not too terribly bad but seems pretty underpowered for a monster that requires 3 monsters for the fusion summon and also if you come to think about it a DARK attribute fiend-type monster could easily fill up both the requirements for the fiend-type monster and the DARK monster I think I don't play fusions that much. Overall nice card just make it stronger via effect and/or ATK and DEF. The picture looks real nice also. 8/10

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i will correct some basic OCG errors on Atlantic Dragon

1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more non-Tuner Monsters.

When this card is successfully Synchro Summoned it gains 800 ATK points for every monster used in it's Synchro Summon. Destroy 1 monster your opponent controls by removing from your Graveyard 1 monster with equal ATK points of that monster.

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