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Preview of my New Set, Attack of the Microbes (12/??)


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This is my first set I am happy with. I would appriciate consructive critisisim and not just good or bad. Anyways with out futher ado:

[spoiler=Monster in Preview] 12455.jpg12455z.jpg12455s.jpg12455ka.jpg

Chromosone B (DNA)'s Lore: Once per turn, if you control this monster on the field, you can equip it to a face-up "DNA" monster on your side of the field as an Equip Card, OR unequip it and Special Summon it in face-up Defence Position. When equipped to a monster by this card's effect, that monster cannot be destroyed by battle. (1 monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, this card is destroyed instead.)


[spoiler=Spells in Preview] 12455u.jpg

Lore: When this card is activated special summon one Carbon Dixoide token (Microscopic-Type/WIND/2 Stars/ATK 100/DEF 700) and one Water token (Microscopic-Type/WATER/2 Stars/ATK 700/DEF 100). When these tokens are removed from the field special summon one Oxygen token (Microscopic-Type/WIND/1 Star/ATK 0/DEF 0) and one Glucose token (Microscopic-Type/WATER/3 Stars/ATK 1200/DEF 500). Then destroy this card.



[spoiler=Traps in Preview] 12455m.jpg12455k.jpg


[spoiler=Synchros in Preview] 12455mi.jpg12455o.jpg



[spoiler=New Cards] 12455q.jpg12455u.jpg



I use these cards in roleplays so they may be a little op'ed. Just give me your opinion for if they weren't used in roleplays and if they were. All coments apprieciated.

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Chromosone B should be a Union Monster

Its "Defense Position" ..

and use "decrease a monsters ATK" instead of "lower any monsters attack"

(BTW it's always ATK and DEF not Defense or Attack points ;) )


The idea is pretty cool...

OCG needs work, but thats no problem..

Try to find pics, that look more like YGO cards....(Good Mutation has text on it and Electron Microscope is a real photo..for example)


by now 6.5/10

But with some changes i will higher the rating =)

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They don't have too bad of effects but some of them seem to have vague effects. Also, your Good Mutation card doesn't really make too much sense (How can your opponent's monster attack it's owner? You'll need to specify that the monster that you controlled from your opponent or something like that); It seems like it could use some revising. Also, I have that weird feeling that this set should be in the pop culture section I don't know why but it feels like it should be in that section. 8/10

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They don't have too bad of effects but some of them seem to have vague effects. Also' date=' your Good Mutation card doesn't really make too much sense (How can your opponent's monster attack it's owner? You'll need to specify that the monster that you controlled from your opponent or something like that); It seems like it could use some revising. Also, I have that weird feeling that this set should be in the pop culture section I don't know why but it feels like it should be in that section. 8/10



there could be some support

or its just a ocg error

i think ^^

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