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Frozen Judgment

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This is my first contest. If I'm doing anything wrong, please tell me.




Make an Anti-Dragon card. First one to post their card is my opponent. 1st one to 5 votes wins. (If voting is going too slowly the contest ends at Oct. 1 5:00 PM and the person with the most votes wins) Voters must give specific reason.




Winner: 3 Reps and 20 points from the loser

Loser: 2 Reps and 5 points from the winner


Woohoo777's card:


Image credit goes to wanderley




[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when your opponent Summons a Dragon-Type monster. Once per turn you can discard 1 card to destroy 1 Dragon-Type monster on the field and draw 1 card. When this card attacks a Dragon-Type monster, you can take damage equal to half the original ATK of the Dragon-Type monster and destroy that monster before the Damage Step. Once per turn, inflict damage to both players equal to the amount of Dragon-Type monsters on the field x500. When a card you control is destroyed by battle by a Dragon-Type monster, this card gains ATK equal to half the ATK of the destroyed monster until your next End Phase.




Bubblin's card:



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woohoo becuase Bubblin has two HUGE flaws


the "T" in transformation is not capitalized, and his card is split into paragraphs, after 1000 ATK point you can see he starts it as a new paragraph which is a big no-no <_<'


even if woohoo's is a bit OP'ed look at cards like Yata and CED, although banned OP'ed cards aren't against the law, so woohoo, this ones for you ;)

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