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[ALZ] Metal Samurai Bear - Armor Suit ZX089


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I found this picture by accident and because I really liked my "Mecha Bunny - Tank Version ZX001" (which was also created from a picture found accidentally) I made this an upgraded version.




1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Machine-Type monsters

This card cannot declare an attack. Once per turn, you can equip this card to a face-up Winged Beast, Beast or Beast-Warrior-Type monster you control, OR unequip it and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. When equipped to a monster by this card's effect, the original ATK and DEF of the equipped monster become 3000. The equipped can attack twice during the same Battle Phase. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.)[/align]


Image Credit: kweckduck


If I find more pictures I could create an archetype from Machine-Type Union "ZX0" monsters xD

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thats just not fair, how could I avoid looking at this card. Pic is pure awesome.


The card is great, except for the fact that its totally overpowered (this card + any card that can attack directly = domination). Maybe make it Level 4 with 1500 ATK and DEF, and have the equipped card gain 1500 ATK and DEF..... actually thats not so great of an idea ether..... Maybe someone else knows how to make it balanced....



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you should just give it a cost for attack' date=' don't say it can't attack at all




That's the entire idea of this monster >_>. It can't attack unless it is controlled by somebody/something else.


Nice 11/10!

I like the pic.


I'm redoing my set btw. I'll just pm you when its done if you don't mind. (^_^)


Unique effect is win. XD

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you should just give it a cost for attack' date=' don't say it can't attack at all




That's the entire idea of this monster >_>. It can't attack unless it is controlled by somebody/something else.


Nice 11/10!

I like the pic.


I'm redoing my set btw. I'll just pm you when its done if you don't mind. (^_^)


Unique effect is win. XD

I don't mind at all. Can't wait to see what you are doing with it =D.

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great card new idea.


Q- Why did not you say "The equipped monster can attack twice during the same Battle Phase." instead of "The equipped can attack twice during the same Battle Phase." ?!

I'm not very good with the Union Part of the OCG so I coppied that part from a different card (don't remember which one). And on that card there was also a same different effect using "the equipped" instead of "the equipped monster" and because I need to crop the effect from what I had originally I removed the monster part.


Either that or... I just forget it. I created it some time before posting it so I forgot =P. But the way it is now is already edited, the Card Maker doesn't use the last line I had to do that myself so I don't think I will change that.

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