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{W} Darkness Imbalance-New Duke!

Welche the crab

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[align=center]This set is still in the making.


By Chaotix®



[spoiler=Duke Eligor]111476pe4.jpg


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing one face-up "Darkness Imbalance, Doom Knight" and discarding 1 card or by its own effect. If the card you discarded is removed from the Graveyard, inflict 700 damage to your opponent. If this card is targeted by the effect of a card with the letter "H" in it's name you lose 100 Life Points. If this card is in defense mode you can discard 1 card to switch this card into attack mode. If you use this effect this card gains 150 ATK. When this card is destroyed you can destroy one face-up continuous Spell or Trap to Special Summon this card. You can only use this effect once per duel.



[spoiler=Duke Gabriel]111476.jpg


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your Graveyard when "Darkness Doom-Duke Eligor" is Removed From Play or by its own effect. When this card is summoned Remove From Play every card in your Graveyard. For every card that you Removed From Play you gain 100LP and this card gains 200ATK and DEF. If this card is attacked then you can place 2 cards that were Removed From Play into your Graveyard to destroy the attacking monster. If this card is destroyed, Remove From Play all cards in your Deck To Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. When this card is on the field you do not lose the duel if you run out of cards to draw.




[spoiler=EN001]111476sw0.jpg[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Summoned, both players count the number of cards in their decks. If you have less cards then you opponent, you lose Life Points equal to the number of cards in your Graveyard. When this card is destroyed, count the number of cards you have in play and the number of cards in your deck. If there are more cards in play then in your deck you opponent lose 500 Life Points. If this card is returned to your Deck from your Graveyard, both players lose 300 Life Points for every card in their respective hands.



[spoiler=EN002]111476na2.jpg[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is attacked, roll 1 six-sided die. If the result is a 1, 3 or 6 you lose 1000 Life Points. If the result is a 2 or 4 negate the attack and end the Battle-Phase. If this card is targeted by the effect of a card, roll 1 six-sided die. If the result is 1 or 2 negate the effect of the card and destroy it. If the result is 3, 4, 5 or 6 you lose 700 Life Points.



[spoiler=EN003]111476ny0.jpg[spoiler=Effect]When this card is Summoned your opponent gains 1230 Life Points and you lose 50 Life Points. When this card is destroyed if you Life Points have a 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 0 in them double them, if they do not your opponent lose 1500 Life Points. If your opponents Life Points start with a 1 or 7 then you lose 1350 Life Points.



[spoiler=EN004]111476ew6.jpg[spoiler=Effect]The controller of this card cannot use 1 of his monster card zones. When this card is activated discard 1 card with "Darkness" in it's name to destroy 1 card on both sides of the field. When this card is destroyed, both player Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard. Then you can remove every card in your Graveyard from play to destroy every card on the field.



[spoiler=EN005]111476ic1.jpg[spoiler=Effect] Pay 1000 Life Points to activate this card. Destroy every card on your side of the field. You can Special Summon monsters whose combined level is equal to the combined level of the monsters destroyed by this effect, then add cards from your Graveyard to your Hand equal to the number of Spell and Traps destroyed by this cards effect.



[spoiler=EN006]111476qn8.jpg[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card's battle position cannot be changed by card effect. When this card is changed from attack mode to defense mode, you can Remove From Play one monster from your deck, 1 monster from you hand, 1 monster from your field and 1 card from your deck to Special Summon 2 monsters that are Removed From Play. If you opponent destroys this card while you control a monster which belongs to your opponent, inflict 500 damage to you opponents Life Points.



[spoiler=EN007]111476lj6.jpg[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Special Summoned. If the monster you Released to Advance Summon this card was a WATER monster remove from play the top 10 cards in your Deck. If none of them are monsters you lose 1000 Life Points. If there are 3 monsters your opponent lose 1000 Life Points.



[spoiler=EN008]111476ux6.jpg[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 EARTH and 1 WIND monster from your deck. If one of the cards removed from play came from the same set as this card, inflict 700 Points of damage to your opponent. When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 card from your hand that came from the same set as this card. You lose Life points equal to the ATK of the monster Summoned by this cards effect.



[spoiler=EN009]111476xm9.jpg[spoiler=Effect]This card can only be activated during the turn that your opponent destroys a monster that includes "Darkness" in it's name. Remove from play the destroyed monster to Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard whose level is 2 lower then the level of the monster you removed from play. If the monster you Summoned is destroyed while the monster you removed from play is still removed from play, you gain 500 Life Points.



[spoiler=EN010]111476fb4.jpg[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned on your first turn by paying 4000 Life Points. When this card is Summoned you can Special Summon every monster in your hand. When this card is destroyed you can Special Summon 1 "Darkness Shell, Omega". You must also pay 3000 Life Points. Any battle damage involving this card is reduced to 0.



[spoiler=EN011]111476eq7.jpg[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned or Flipped Face-Up inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of turns that have passed x 100. When this card is destroyed your opponent lose Life Points equal to the number of cards that have been played since this card was Summoned.



[spoiler=EN012]111476pp8.jpg[spoiler=Effect] This card cannot be Special Summoned except by its own effect. This card can attack your opponent directly. If this card inflicts damage to your opponent your opponent discards cards from the top of their Deck equal to the level of 1 monster your opponent controls. When this card is attacked you can switch this card to defense mode.



[spoiler=EN015]111476.jpg[spoiler=Effect]The equipped monster gains 1000ATK. If the equpped monster is attacked by a Water monster the equipped monster is destroyed, both players lose 1000LP and the opponent may place this card on any of their monsters.



[spoiler=EN0016]111476.jpg[spoiler=Effect]This card can only be equipped to a Warrior-Type monster. The owner of the equipped monsters rolls a die. Multiply the result by the number of cards both Graveyards. If the result is even, the equipped monster gains 1000 ATK. If the result is odd the equipped monster loses 1000 ATK, if the final ATK is 0 the monster is destroyed. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you may remove one card from play to change all monsters on the field to defense and equip this card to any monster.



[spoiler=EN017]111476.jpg[spoiler=Effect]When a monster with "Darkness" in its name is destroyed you may pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon a monster with less ATK from your Deck or Graveyard. If "Darkness Legend, Ultimus" is not in your Graveyard destroy every card on your side of the field.




Art either in copyright, or if not stated, by GENZOMAN[/align]

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