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]-- Orc Warriors --[


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Welcome To My First Thread

I just wanted to show you some of my first cards

All These picture Are from deviantART


Level 4 or lower

[spoiler=Orc Aged Warrior]



Each time this card destroys 1 of your opponent's monster in battle, increase the ATK of this card by 500 points.



[spoiler=Orc Hammerer]


[spoiler=Effect]This card is unaffected by the effects of Trap and Spell Cards.



[spoiler=Orc Hero, The Turmoil]


[spoiler=Effect]When this card is Summoned, returns all Spell and Trap Cards on the field to the respective owner's hands.



[spoiler=Stupendous Orc ]


[spoiler=Effect]When this cards inflicts damage to your opponent's Life Points, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the damage calculation.



[spoiler=Orc Wizard]


[spoiler=Effect]FLIP: All face-down Spell and Trap Cards on the field are turned face-up, and then returned to their original positions. No cards effects are activated when cards are turned face-up.





Level 5 or 6

[spoiler=Orc Scouts Chief]


[spoiler=Effect]When this card is Summoned, see the 5 cards from the top of your opponent’s Deck, arrange them in any order desired, and replace them on top of the Deck. Increase the ATK of this monster by 100 points for each face-up "Orc Scouter" or "Orc Rogue" on your side of the field.



[spoiler=War Champions]


[spoiler=Effect]When this card is Summoned, (excluding Special Summon), put 3 Champion Counter on it (max 3). If this card is destroyed in battle, you can remove 1 Champion Counter from this card to Special Summon it from the Graveyard.





Level 7 or 8

[spoiler=Orc Generals]


[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Special Summoned.This card can attack all monsters on your opponent’s side of the field once each.Once per turn, by destroying 1 face-up mostar on your side of the field, destroy 1 face-up monster in your opponent side of the field.



[spoiler=Orc Hero, Blademaster]


[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is changed from Defense Position to Attack Position, send all face-up Monster Cards on your opponent's side of the field to Graveyard.





Spell and Trap

[spoiler=Orc Reinforcements]


[spoiler=Effect]This card can only be activated when your opponent attacks and you control a monster on your side of the field that includes "Orc" in its card name, and there are more monsters on your opponent's side of the field than your side. You can Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower monster that includes "Orc" in its card name from your hand.





[spoiler=Effect]When an opponent's monster attacks, negate the attack and the attacking monster is remove from play until the End Phase of your opponent's next turn.



[spoiler=Jungle Nations War]

70201g.jpg[spoiler=Effect]During Battle Phase, increases the ATK and DEF of all Beast-Warrior and Beast-Type monsters by 300 points.






[spoiler=Orc Legend, Red Chaos]


[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set except by Tributing 1 monster You control that Includes "Orc Hero" in it's card name as a Tribute. When this card is changed from Defense Position to Attack Position, destroy all cards on the field except this card. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can decrease the ATK of this monster by 800 points inflict 500 damage to your opponent. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can pay 200 Life Points. If you do this, Increase the ATK of this card by 200 points.



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I did not find another idea for Turmoil so I just put that one so I need help with it if some one have an idea can he/she PLEASE tell me about it and if you want some points I can give only 10 points.

and I do not know why you say that red chaos is OP !!

can you please explain ?

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well you can give it the effect that it can only return 1 monster to its owners hand.

And red Chaos is Op becouse he has a HUGE ATK and the effect of decresing its ATK for a mere 500 damge is something only a fool would do *yes, I'm talking about you Tristan!*, you should lower its ATK and give it somekind of drawback.

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