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Soul Eater: The Witch Wars RPG


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After The Kishin Asura's defeat only one enemy remained for Shibusen: witches. The Asura's death caused an explosion of power in the ethereal stream (that stream gives power to the witches) and because of that the witchs' powers were increased ten fold and the only thing that can stop them is Sibusen.





1. No spamming

2. No godmodding

3. one person can have an unlimited amount of characters

4. the meister and the weapon are two seperate characters so two people's characters can be partners

5. any questions pm me




Bio (optional):


Weapon form appearence (only for weapon characters):


Soul Resonance ability description:

Other abilities description:


[align=center]my characters

Name:Kakkon Ookami

Bio (optional):

Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20emo%20guy/RyuuseiEXE/Anime/Chains.jpg

Weapon form appearence (only for weapon characters):

Partner:Lucas Wolf

Soul Resonance ability description:the sword is transformed into a giant sword that is shaped like a wolf's head

Other abilities description:


Name:Lucas Wolf

Bio (optional):

Appearance: http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p128/gasmansgirl/anime%20guys/hot_anime_emo_vampire_by_emotay.jpg

Weapon form appearence (only for weapon characters): http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20emo%20guy/RyuuseiEXE/Anime/Chains.jpg

Partner:Kakkon Ookami

Soul Resonance ability description:the sword is transformed into a giant sword that is shaped like a wolf's head

Other abilities description:

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