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Sexism... hmm.. considering that women can do just about anything in the world and get away with it I wouldn't be putting them down. Sexism is wrong. Racism is wrong. all the Isms that are offesive in any way are wrong. And the point my Lit teacher was trying to make today has been made, This World Sucks

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Sexism... hmm.. considering that women can do just about anything in the world and get away with it I wouldn't be putting them down. Sexism is wrong. Racism is wrong. all the Isms that are offesive in any way are wrong. And the point my Lit teacher was trying to make today has been made' date=' This World Sucks



I find your negative-ism offensive. Please remove it from my thread and proceed to talk about the mistreatment of women.

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Sexism... hmm.. considering that women can do just about anything in the world and get away with it I wouldn't be putting them down. Sexism is wrong. Racism is wrong. all the Isms that are offesive in any way are wrong. And the point my Lit teacher was trying to make today has been made' date=' This World Sucks



You have "tits".

You would not get banned if you were to make a stupid thread.

OMGAKITTY would get banned because he has no "tits".


So stfu.

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Dweller' date=' get on f***ing MSN.





Sexism is Stupid. I think you should treat everybody equally. we are all the same basiclly. all humans so why treat other people different because of there Sex [said that instead of Gender cuz of teh title]


Women are biologically and mentally different from men. Proven fact.

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Dweller' date=' get on f***ing MSN.





Sexism is Stupid. I think you should treat everybody equally. we are all the same basiclly. all humans so why treat other people different because of there Sex [said that instead of Gender cuz of teh title]


Women are biologically and mentally different from men. Proven fact.


yeah but it doesn't mean you can be mean to 'em

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Dweller' date=' get on f***ing MSN.





Sexism is Stupid. I think you should treat everybody equally. we are all the same basiclly. all humans so why treat other people different because of there Sex [said that instead of Gender cuz of teh title]


Women are biologically and mentally different from men. Proven fact.


yeah but it doesn't mean you can be mean to 'em


Sexism has nothing to do with "being mean". :/

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Dweller' date=' get on f***ing MSN.





Sexism is Stupid. I think you should treat everybody equally. we are all the same basiclly. all humans so why treat other people different because of there Sex [said that instead of Gender cuz of teh title]


Women are biologically and mentally different from men. Proven fact.


yeah but it doesn't mean you can be mean to 'em


Sexism has nothing to do with "being mean". :/


Let the kid feel right for once :P

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Sexism originated from the idea that women could not do sh*t. This is wrong.


Racism was basically originated because of that term... something that starts with an E...


Some guy felt sad because Native Americans were being used as slaves. He then was like,


"Stop bashing 'em Native Americans and start bashing 'em blacks." He had some reasons to say so, which I will not list.


He then noticed his wrong and tried to stop it, but died before his rant was sucsessful.


So Racism isn't really the same in reason to Sexism.

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Dweller' date=' get on f***ing MSN.





Sexism is Stupid. I think you should treat everybody equally. we are all the same basiclly. all humans so why treat other people different because of there Sex [said that instead of Gender cuz of teh title]



Women are biologically and mentally different from men. Proven fact.



^^ on this - A lot of women don't admit their age. A lot of men don't act theirs. XD



We're all human anyway. Different maybe but still human nonetheless.

Shallow thinking is the source of Sexism and Racism.

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Sexism originated from the idea that women could not do sh*t. This is wrong.


Racism was basically originated because of that term... something that starts with an E...


Some guy felt sad because Native Americans were being used as slaves. He then was like' date='


"Stop bashing 'em Native Americans and start bashing 'em blacks." He had some reasons to say so, which I will not list.


He then noticed his wrong and tried to stop it, but died before his rant was sucsessful.


So Racism isn't really the same in reason to Sexism.



You fail.

Racism is based off of Social Darwinism, or the belief that one race is better than the other. They stopped using indians as slaves because they were too susceptible to European diseases.


It again, has nothing to do with maliciousness. White people genuinely believed Blacks were less than human, and could be treated as such.

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