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Sometimes Being Dead is Better Than the Alternative

Big Mac

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So this is mah new IRL. Its good fun and Ive been playing really well with it. Still needs some work though. All advice is welcome.


Total: 40


Monsters: 22


Raiza x3

Caius x2

Chaos Sorcerer

Zombie Master x2

Mezuki x2

Goblin Zombie x2

Spirit Reaper

Pyramid Turtle






Ryko x2


Spells: 12

Allure x2

Book of Life x2

Burial from a Diffrient Dimension x2

Soul Exchange x2






Traps: 6

Roar x3





Extra: 12


Gaia Knight

Revived King


Black Rose

Armor Master



Thought Ruler

Red Dragon

Stardust x2


Side: 15


Shiny Black "C" x2

D.D. Crow x2

Mind Control

Light-Imprisoning x2

Bottomless x2

Mirror of Oaths x2

Zombie World x2


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Great deck man, but here's what I would change.


Cards to take out:

- 3x Threatning Roar (It's good to side, but not to main for your deck)

- 2x Raiza (Too many monarchs)

- 2x Soul Exchange (Too situational)

- 1x Frog (doesn't really fit your deck)

- 1x Trap Dustshoot (Side deck it?)


Cards to put in:

+ 1x Cyber Dragon

+ 1x Zombie Master

+ 1x Pyramid Turtle

+ 1x Gorz (Really helpful at times when you're screwed)

+ 1x Book of Life

+ 2x Bottomless Trap Hole


Or something like that, I changed it to make it run more smoothly and faster.

It should also have 40 cards by now. Good luck with your deck. If you have

any questions, send me a msg on here.

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Great deck man' date=' but here's what I would change.


Cards to take out:

- 3x Threatning Roar (It's good to side, but not to main for your deck)

- 2x Raiza (Too many monarchs)

- 2x Soul Exchange (Too situational)

- 1x Frog (doesn't really fit your deck)

- 1x Trap Dustshoot (Side deck it?)


Cards to put in:

+ 1x Cyber Dragon

+ 1x Zombie Master

+ 1x Pyramid Turtle

+ 1x Gorz (Really helpful at times when you're screwed)

+ 1x Book of Life

+ 2x Bottomless Trap Hole




Its a monarch deck so Raiza and soul exchange need to stay. As does frog. I can mill him off easy with Ryko, and he's great tirbute fodder.

T-Roar is fine main decked

I will probaly end up siding dustshoot, depending on how well it runs at regionals this weekend.

Cyber Dragon is a possibility if I end up needing more tribute fodder.

Bottomless is sided & so is Gorz, and I dont really need another zombie master.

I might end up adding another pyramid turtle, but im not sure yet.

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