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This card could very well cripple you and your opponent

lord echidna

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Okay, as I've nearly reached the end of the series "Kamen Rider DeCaDe" (One episode and the movie to go!) I decided to make another DCD themed card based on the rider war.



Increase the ATK and DEF of all "Kamen Rider" monsters by 500. When this card is activated all cards on the field (excluding this card) are destroyed and both players must discard their hands. Both players then special summon the first 5 monsters in their deck to the field. When a monster is destroyed the owner of the card must special summon one monster from their hand, if they have no monsters in their hand then they must special summon the first monster in their deck. At the cost of 1000 life points you may remove all Spell and Trap cards from play.[/align]

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Its OP'ed..... what!? that's my comment. If you have good monsters its basically a way to do a ton of Synchro Summons or overpower your opponent. Or if you have bad monsters you allow you opponent to cream you.... No more comments......

I thought Synchro monsters were kept in your Extra Deck?

Have you any suggestions on weakening it?

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Its OP'ed..... what!? that's my comment. If you have good monsters its basically a way to do a ton of Synchro Summons or overpower your opponent. Or if you have bad monsters you allow you opponent to cream you.... No more comments......

I thought Synchro monsters were kept in your Extra Deck?

Have you any suggestions on weakening it?


They are but if you get tuner monsters on your field (with a bunch of other monsters)= Synchro! {possibly 2 on the first turn this card is played}

I don't know how to weaken it without possibly destroying the card though.

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Its OP'ed..... what!? that's my comment. If you have good monsters its basically a way to do a ton of Synchro Summons or overpower your opponent. Or if you have bad monsters you allow you opponent to cream you.... No more comments......

I thought Synchro monsters were kept in your Extra Deck?

Have you any suggestions on weakening it?


They are but if you get tuner monsters on your field (with a bunch of other monsters)= Synchro! {possibly 2 on the first turn this card is played}

I don't know how to weaken it without possibly destroying the card though.

Ooh, yeah Tuners ... you've got a point this card is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to OP'd. Tell you what, I'll do some editing and try to add some way of stopping bad things from happening and then Re upload when I feel that it's less Overpowered.

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