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Round 1 Over Now round 2


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Alright I am hosting a contest. It will be three rounds. I will give the subject for the three rounds.



1st:100 points 3 reps



End Dates

Round 1:Oct. 5

Round 2:Oct. 15

Round 3:Oct. 25


Round 1

You will be required to make an animal knight.



Basic YCM rules apply


Entry Fee

5 points




come on people plz enter

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well my bad next time you go off topic you are disqualified.


How is that off topic it is talking about the contest any ways






This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 or more Beast Warrior-Type monsters from your hand, Deck and/or your Graveyard. If this monster attacks your opponent's Life Points Directly, Special Summon 1 monster that you removed from play to Special Summon this monster. When this monster destroys a Level 1 monster in face-up or face-down Defense Position, add the following monsters ATK and DEF to this monster. If your opponent flips a Flip Effect monster and targets 1 other monster you control, automatically switch the target to this monster instead of the selected monster.


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I enter. Points sent.


When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 1 Beast, Beast-Warrior or Reptile Type monster from your Deck or Graveyard. Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 Level 2 or lower monster you control to destroy up to 2 Spell or Trap cards on the field. If you do, this card gains 400 ATK for each destroyed Spell Card and your opponent takes 500 damage for each destroyed Trap Card. When this card destroys a monster by battle, both players add the bottom card from their respective Graveyard to the top of their own Deck.

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I would like to enter too! This is my first attempt at making a card look holographic. (i think i put too much coloring on the letters.)


[spoiler=White Ironhide's Effect]This card is changed to Defense Position when it is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned successfully. As long as this monster card is face up on the field Your opponent must attack this monster at least once every battle phase. If they have no face up Attack position monsters to attack with then they must sacrifice 1000 Life points.


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im in. here is my card,


[spoiler=effect!!]This card cannot be destroyed by battle (Damage is applied normally). When this face-down card is selected as an attack target, you can return this card to your hand to destroy the attacking monster and end the Battle Phase. When this card is sent to your Graveyard, remove it from play.


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