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[spoiler=[color=#000080]Spellcaster tokens[/color]]

Spellcaster Tokens are the key to ranks to get Tokens you must YVD to get duel points if your a:

new member

the winner gets 1 token & the loser 0


Regular member

The winner gets 2 tokens & the loser gets 1



Elite Members

The winner gets 2 tokens & loser gets 1



Legandary Members

Legandary Members spot has only 4 spots every month

The winner gets 3 tokens & loser get 0 but no raking up unless

the Duel number to Duel each other. The winner & the other winner then play to be the Co-Host & the others got back down to Elite Members the new Co-Host only stays Co-host for a monthe & then drops to Legedary Members & the Duels take place agan the winner of that one must play with the last winner.








[spoiler= [color=#FF0000]Rules[/color]]

~ Don't Spam, Flam, Troll or Insult people. If you do so you will be reported and/or NEG repped.

~ You CAN post your cards or GFX creations to get help with them.

~ We will be hosting a Contests or Tournaments every so often so keep an eye for that

~ We have a Warning Syestem. Please Read the Warning System Spoiler before entring the club.

~If you would like people to see what you have created just post it. If you would like to have your club affilated here just PM me giving me the URL to the Club and why i should have an afflitaion with it.

~ Please don't break any rules in the Warning Spoiler.


[spoiler= [color=#006400]Applications[/color]]

[spoiler= [b]Entry Application[/b]]


Fav spellcaster:



[spoiler= [b]Contest Application[/b]]





[spoiler= [color=#FF0000]Warning System[/color]]

The Club has a 3 strike out policy. Here is what will happen to you concerning Rules.

1. Trying to start a Flame war~ automaticlly kicked out of the club (given 3 strikes) and given 2 NEG reps. You will also be reported.

2. Mild Spamming~ you are given one strike and given 1 Neutral Rep

3. Severe Spamming(asking for points/rep)~ 2 strikes and 1 NEG Rep

4. Insulting/Disrespect someone~ 1 strike and a neutral rep.

For all Second offenses NEUTRAL REP becomes NEG REP



[spoiler= [color=#FF1493]Members 13[/color]]

Host (must be chosen by me)

~ Ultimate magicain


Co-Host (Winner of legendary Members Duel)



Legandary Members (Duel to be Co-Host every month)



Elite Members (10-30 sellcaster tokens)



Regular Members (5-10 sellcaster tokens)

~deathghost101 - ST 5

New Members (1-5 sellcaster tokens)

~shadowferret - ST 1


~1227 - ST 1

~hollowblade - ST 1

~Charmander - ST 1

~Jigglypuff - ST 1

~S-Sceptile - ST 1

~YCMaker#2 - ST 1

~YU-GI-OH 3600 - ST 1

~Gronus - ST 1

~GDitto - ST 1



[spoiler= Threads and Websites]

GIMP is a program that lets you make a lot of cool GFX stuff



[spoiler= [color=#006400]Suggestion Box[/color]]

To give comments or suggestions to me refering the club just PM me. PLease don't PM stuff like "He is breaking a rule ban him fro the club" or something like that. Try to keep it to suggestions to the club better and other great ideas


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How To Play YVD


CC's Guide to Virtual Dueling:


Getting Started


1. Download and Install YVD 9.0

2. Dowload YVD Sets 9.0

3. Copy the downloaded YVD Sets 9.0 to the YVD Folder and Replace The Original YVD sets Data

4. Regiter here: http://www.xerocreative.com/index.php?goto=downloads

5. Activate Yugioh Virtual Desktop 9.exe and not the OCG one

6. Make a Deck

7. Save Deck

8. Close all programs and Restart your Computer

9. Ensure Internet Connection is On

10. Activate Yugioh Virtual Desktop 9.exe again

11. Load your Saved Deck

12. Click Duel


How To Connect?

1. First of all make sure your Internet Connection is on

2. You have to know the Account name of your opponent

3. Click Connect and you get to choose from the scroll bar

4. Choose Server: Connect as Host "If your going to host the duel"

5. Choose Server: Connect as Client "If your going to connect to a Host"

6. Check Log Duel

7. As Host - Put the Account Name Of Your Opponent in under the Connection box

8. As Client - Put the Account name of your opponent whose hosting the duel

9. Wait for opponent to respond

10. Game On^_^



Here are some Controls


Flip Coin - CTRL+F

Dice Roll - Ctrl+R

View Fusion Deck - Ctrl+U

Shuffle Deck - Ctrl+S

View Deck - Ctrl+K


Add LP - /add #

Subtract LP - /sub #

Change LP - /LP #

Call Opponent Attention - /attention


Other Controls are pretty much Self Explainable


Renewing a Game

After A Game if you want to duel that opponent again you can


1. Soft Reset To Duel With the Same Deck

2. Reset Game - To Start All over again with a new loaded deck but you have to connect again XD


Dueling Other Opponents Online

If your Searching for other opponents you can go here



And thats! About it^_^

Happy Gaming^^


This has been a Friendly Reminder From

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