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Phantom Of Masyaf

Do you Have Hao 3 ODST  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you Have Hao 3 ODST

    • Yes, I do
    • No,I Don't

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To make a note anyone who was in The Halo Guild is already in.


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Spartan Or Elite:



Don't Know what Halo is, never heard of it look up Halopedia on Google, it is the best for Halo facts






Gun Sgt Buck-Starfire3




Privates\Rookies-Spartan919,Kato Zenamara,cocodomoco


For everyhting productive or informtive you do for the club you will get Club points accordingly







Banner Maker-Open!






A public poll shall be posted every week and every 2 weeks a contest should be up,unless I give a reason why it is not possible and my vice president shall make the contest


Current Topic:Halo In General

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Name: GraveHorizon

Number Of Halo Games: 0 (owned), 4 (played)

Spartan Or Elite: SPARTAN-II


I love Halo, though I don't own any games (I don't even have a 360). I have read all the books, and burned several hours checking out Halopedia. Lighter Than Some FTW! I've played Halo: CE, 2 (multiplayer), 3 and ODST. I started getting really into Halo when I wanted to read the books, but I didn't remember the story details of the games, so I downloaded all the cutscenes. I'm still trying to make my Halo set, with kick-ass effects for the different groups. I. Love. Halo.


Kelly FTW!

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Name: GraveHorizon

Number Of Halo Games: 0 (owned)' date=' 4 (played)

Spartan Or Elite: SPARTAN-II


I love Halo, though I don't own any games (I don't even have a 360). I have read all the books, and burned several hours checking out Halopedia. Lighter Than Some FTW! I've played Halo: CE, 2 (multiplayer), 3 and ODST. I started getting really into Halo when I wanted to read the books, but I didn't remember the story details of the games, so I downloaded all the cutscenes. I'm still trying to make my Halo set, with kick-ass effects for the different groups. I. Love. Halo.


Kelly FTW!




Accepted, try to invite some people from your buddy list hopefully they'll join

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Name: GraveHorizon

Number Of Halo Games: 0 (owned)' date=' 4 (played)

Spartan Or Elite: SPARTAN-II


I love Halo, though I don't own any games (I don't even have a 360). I have read all the books, and burned several hours checking out Halopedia. Lighter Than Some FTW! I've played Halo: CE, 2 (multiplayer), 3 and ODST. I started getting really into Halo when I wanted to read the books, but I didn't remember the story details of the games, so I downloaded all the cutscenes. I'm still trying to make my Halo set, with kick-ass effects for the different groups. I. Love. Halo.


Kelly FTW!




Accepted, try to invite some people from your buddy list hopefully they'll join


Ummm... my buddy list. Yeeahhh....

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Name: Sean34(or Strikeshot)

Number Of Halo Games:0 (but my brother has 4)

Spartan Or Elite: Red Elite

btw' date=' here's a new "Elite" card, in case you or someone else hasn't made one.





Number Of Halo Games:2 owned' date=' three played

Spartan Or Elite:Spartan


I love Halo. Heck, according to some people i am a halo geek.



Both accepted

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