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Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish.





EDIT: Before some idiot locks this, know this thread has more to do about fish than it has to do with religion.

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But if you're too incompetent to learn how to fish' date=' than you deserve to starve.



THIS, to stop the atheist.


Reiterated for emphasis:


During the time you'd be praying, you could learn to fish.


But you can pray for fish..


The fish will not show up.


You must learn fishing and fish in the pond to catch the fish.


Praying is time wasted; time you could use to learn fishing.

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But if you're too incompetent to learn how to fish' date=' than you deserve to starve.



THIS, to stop the atheist.


I don't agree, because this seems like a biased view stating that without religion, you have no point in living, and should drop dead.

That's just what popped in my head.

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Anyone who doesn't get the true meaning of this thread from Dark's latest post is an idiot.


Dark' date=' stop creating threads that will result in a debate when you can't debate for s***. It's annoying.[/b']


Didn't I say in my first post this thread is about fish?

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What is wrong with you Dark?

This is obviously an attempt to make you seem smart. You're not.


And because I'm far too lazy to blow your wannabe intelligence to smithereens. Here's something for YOU to think about; Since when does religion, automatically turn people braindead stupid?


Ooh, and because I locked this thread prematurely, here's a favor for a friend;

Anyone who doesn't get the true meaning of this thread from Dark's latest post is an idiot.


Dark' date=' stop creating threads that will result in a debate when you can't debate for s***. It's annoying.[/b']


Didn't I say in my first post this thread is about fish?


Regardless, your last post clearly stated (though indirectly) "religion will get you nowhere, instead you should spend that time doing something worthwhile in life [fishing]" which is bound to result in a debate.

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