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Old School

Dark Mousy

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I have no idea if ALO is even runable anymore, and I have no clue what the current banlists are, but I'll post it anyway.


Monster: 20

Levia Dragon - Daedalus x1

Mobuis x2

Giga Gagigago x3

Amphibious Bugroth Mk 2 x2

Mermaid Knight x2

Abyss Soldier x1

B.E.S. Crystal Core x1

Mother Grizzly x3

Breaker x1

Warrior of Atlantis x3

Submarineroid x1


Spell: 12

ALO x3

Terraforming x1

Reborn x1

Limiter Removal x1

Mst x1

Level Limit Area B x1

Pot of Greed x1

Vortex x1

Big Wave Small Wave x1

Avarice x1

Brain control x1


Trap: 7

G-Bind x1

Cylinder x1

Torrential x1

Mirror Force x1

Call x1

Dimension Wall x1 / Tournado Wall

Magic Jammer x1


Point is get the Bugroth, Limiter Removal, and Ring for game.


EDIT: Still focusing on Bugroth OTK, but, not as much.

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I'll have a go, shall I?



3x Levia Dragon

3x Warrior of Atlantis

3x Hydrogeddon

3x Penguin Soldier

3x Momma Grizzleh

2x Mobius

3x Crystal Seer



3x Alo Alo

2x Terraforming

2x Water Hazard

2x Magical Stone Excavation

2x Hitlerpot

2x Morray of Greed

1x Storm



1x Tor

1x Mirror Force

1x Call

3x Threatening

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