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Hi all, how do U like my Military Set ?

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Hey Guys.. :)

Im new here and been looking all over for such a wounderful site.

As this is my first post I'd like some criticism on my new set (Hopfully posistive :P) any opinion is welcome.

Here are my finished crads so far. I tried to make them as balanced as possible (I dont like SuperNuclear cards :shock: )

img]<img src=[/img]p><p><img src=[/img]img]<img src=[/img]

img]<img src=[/img]p><p><!--url{9}--><img src=[/img]1aad4580cd.jpg

I've got some more of these waiting to be posted.. but i want some feedback B4 posting crappy (Hope not :P) cards.

I used "www.freeimagehosting.net" to post these cards :?

It took me a full freakin hour :x

If anyone knows a less frustrating way PLZ help.. any help is MUCH appreciated.. TNX

Sorry .. I forgot a most important card.. NOOB MISTAKE :P

Here it is


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