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[POST 400] Spektrun, Castle of Dark World

Sweet Lightning

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Hooray! Finally, I'm a four-star member, and this is post 400 AND card 90! :D


This is a Dark World support card, and it's excellent at swarming the field with Dark World monsters, however, I think it's OP'd. I tried to balance it out. Let me know what you think! (I know the pic isn't the best.)




Effect: All "Dark World" monsters you control gain 300 ATK and DEF. If a "Dark World" monster you control is destroyed by battle, discard up to 4 cards from your hand and Special Summon 1 "Dark World" monster from your Deck whose Level is equal to or lower than the number of cards discarded by this effect. If this card would be destroyed, you can remove 1 "Dark World" monster from play instead. During your End Phase, discard 1 random card from your hand. If you do not, this card is destroyed. When this card is destroyed, remove all cards in your Graveyard from play.


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Good card, the image isn't the best as you said, but it does fit the name. The OCG is fine as well.


It does seem overpowered though, especially the discard 4 cards part, which mean that you could get up to 5 monsters. I'm all for swarm effects but that it a bit much.


Maybe change the second sentence to:


"When a "Dark World" monster is destroyed by battle, remove it from play and discard 1 card to Special Summon a "Dark World" monster from your Deck with a Level equal to of lower than the destroyed monster."


Definatly useful in a Dark World deck, just maybe too useful.


Congratulations on 4 stars by the way.

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