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The Ultimate Wizard of Darkness: Skull Magician


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All right finally I decided to post this. I know the pic is ridculous, it's because I created it with Paint. Please appreciate

the endeavouring instead of the outcome.




Dark Magician+Summoned Skull

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. When this card summoned automatically destroy all LIGHT monsters on the field, and inflict 300 points of damage to each player for each Light monster destroyed by this effect that they control. While this card remains face-up on the field both player cannot summon LIGHT monsters.


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the effect is good but there are ocg errors

the pic is bad but i like the idea



I know the pic's bad, but still I rather vote to use bad self-made pics, than to use someelse's work. Don't take me wrong I don't scorn anyboby who use pics from the net, NO ABSOLUTLY NOT. It's just I wouldn't really feel the card my own if I'd use someelse's work. So as I said before:Please appreciate

the endeavouring instead of the outcome!

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