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yet another awesome thing from my sis.

Father Wolf

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so 4mins ago i was sitting around lessening to KoRn, as i downloaded the new up dates to Fallout 3 for the ps3. as i waited, laying on the couch, singing along with the song lyrics "You want to be a God". well Freyja comes, sits next to me and sighs. "big brother there is no God" she says pacing her hand on my head. i lol'd.


a 4 year old believes in santa clause, but doesn't believe in God. reason being our idea of God is programmed into us by, family and friends.


prove her wrong.

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Technically' date=' one isn't directly connected to the other.

Sure, Jesus was said to be born on what we call Christmas, but some fat bastard didn't leave any presents under his tree.



Jesus wasn't born on Christmas. Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity. It was a pagan holiday converted by Constantine to convert more people to Christianity. :/


Santa Claus has been proven NOT to be real' date=' as he was made by the Coca-Cola company a long time ago.


As for God/Jesus, he still hasn't had solid proof that he exists.



Santa Clause was commercialized and put in red by Coca-Cola, not made by them. :/

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Santa Claus has been proven NOT to be real' date=' as he was made by the Coca-Cola company a long time ago.



Then who was the fat man with a white beard and glasses with a red suit breaking into my house? D: Oh yeah, he left toys. We didn't find out until we saw our plate of cookies gone and I checked the bathroom. *shudders*

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Santa Claus has been proven NOT to be real' date=' as he was made by the Coca-Cola company a long time ago.



Then who was the fat man with a white beard and glasses with a red suit breaking into my house? D: Oh yeah, he left toys. We didn't find out until we saw our plate of cookies gone and I checked the bathroom. *shudders*


it was your mother.



xD jk



on topic:

Santa wasn't invented by CC, they just changed his original green bishops-suit and replaced it with the classic red fur-thingy.



no matter if god exists or not. Some religions are wrong. If god exists, Hinduism is wrong. If Allah exists, Christianity was wrong....y'know what I mean.


and FW: Your sister rocks. Greet her from me. No really. Do it.

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pics or it didn't happen.


Pics or it didnt happen


Actually a video or voice recording would be better. So:

Voice recording or video or it didn't happen



Man that was long.

Also, to prove god is real, read the Kuran. It has detailed explaining of the world around us. Also, please don't be all racist on mah a$$

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Santa Claus has been proven NOT to be real' date=' as he was made by the Coca-Cola company a long time ago.



Then who was the fat man with a white beard and glasses with a red suit breaking into my house? D: Oh yeah, he left toys. We didn't find out until we saw our plate of cookies gone and I checked the bathroom. *shudders*


it was your mother.



xD jk



on topic:

Santa wasn't invented by CC, they just changed his original green bishops-suit and replaced it with the classic red fur-thingy.



no matter if god exists or not. Some religions are wrong. If god exists, Hinduism is wrong. If Allah exists, Christianity was wrong....y'know what I mean.


and FW: Your sister rocks. Greet her from me. No really. Do it.


Allah and the Christian (and Judaic) God are all the same guy. Nice job.

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Santa Claus has been proven NOT to be real' date=' as he was made by the Coca-Cola company a long time ago.



Then who was the fat man with a white beard and glasses with a red suit breaking into my house? D: Oh yeah, he left toys. We didn't find out until we saw our plate of cookies gone and I checked the bathroom. *shudders*


it was your mother.



xD jk



on topic:

Santa wasn't invented by CC, they just changed his original green bishops-suit and replaced it with the classic red fur-thingy.



no matter if god exists or not. Some religions are wrong. If god exists, Hinduism is wrong. If Allah exists, Christianity was wrong....y'know what I mean.


and FW: Your sister rocks. Greet her from me. No really. Do it.


Allah and the Christian (and Judaic) God are all the same guy. Nice job.


d+i+f²+2e+r+n+t names.

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Santa Claus has been proven NOT to be real' date=' as he was made by the Coca-Cola company a long time ago.



Then who was the fat man with a white beard and glasses with a red suit breaking into my house? D: Oh yeah, he left toys. We didn't find out until we saw our plate of cookies gone and I checked the bathroom. *shudders*


it was your mother.



xD jk



on topic:

Santa wasn't invented by CC, they just changed his original green bishops-suit and replaced it with the classic red fur-thingy.



no matter if god exists or not. Some religions are wrong. If god exists, Hinduism is wrong. If Allah exists, Christianity was wrong....y'know what I mean.


and FW: Your sister rocks. Greet her from me. No really. Do it.


Allah and the Christian (and Judaic) God are all the same guy. Nice job.


d+i+f²+2e+r+n+t names.


Guess what? Some people call me OMG, some people call me OMGAK, some people call me oak. And some people call me "take it, you filthy whore, take it all!"


But I'm still the same person. :/

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