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hey i need

Zimiri of the Muse

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a good rick roll link to send to my friend. as an early ycm'er i rick roll'd myself on acident from someones sig. That was the most epic rickroll ever. It was invincible. Every time i moved my mouse over the rick roll to exit out or minimize it moved away and it was looped. If anyone can get me this link i will pay them points.

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lol troll your troll failed

Lolwut? Mia is awesome. Now do I get my cookie?

i agree she is awesome and no no cookie for u





lol troll your troll failed

Lolwut? Mia is awesome. Now do I get my cookie?




Anyways' date=' I answer your question, and I don't get a thanks? Yeah um, screw you too ^^.



srry thank you mia

and the definition of trolling is: to make a person mad/furious strictly for your own enjoyment here is the link to the definition http://techsmartly.net/freePS3.php,

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