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No More Spells and The Last Draw!


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Hello again everyone. I wanted to make some more spells since I've been making WAY too many monsters lately. Anyway, I need help with OCG mostly, plus I'd love to hear feedback and ratings. Enjoy! :D


[spoiler=The Last Draw]



[spoiler=No More Spells]



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The Last Draw: OCG: "then draw" instead of "then draw the card" and "takes (insert amount here) damage" instead of "loses (xxxx) LP." Picture is good, effect seems original but very risky. Either way, cool card! 9/10


No more spells: The name is not too impressive. Pic is good, but effect is pretty much a watered down Heavy Storm. 7/10


For "no more spells", maybe make it a continuous spell with a effect like "When this card is activated, destroy all Spell cards on the Field. If a card is face down, flip it face up. If it is a Spell, destroy it. If it is not, return it to its original position. Card effects cannot be activated in response to this card. Spell cards cannot be activated. Destroy this card after your opponent's 2nd Endphase after this card's activation." Something like this would make it a bit more powerful. Hope I helped.

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I like the pics for both a lot.


You should probably make The Last Draw a quick play because it makes more sense that way if you have to activate it in your Draw Phase.


I know you mostly asked for OCG help (I don't really like to correct OCG unless it's blaring) but I was looking and No More Spells is just a bit too good. It sets up OTK's way to easily or assures when you're going to attack for game because it reveals all the face downs on the field. It would be way more fair if it just didn't reveal the cards that were face down and left them be. I like the idea though, Spells are getting out of hand (pun?) in the current meta.


Good pics, interesting effects. Not perfect though. 8/10

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