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Death mazta


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This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Tribute Summoned by Tributing 1 or more Lvel 6 or higher Zombie-Type monsters. If this monster destroys 1 of your opponent's monsters with 1500 ATK or lower in face-up Defense Position, Special Summon that monster as a Zombie-Type monster that you control.[/align]

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Hmm, a few OCG errors.

OCG FIX:This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 or more Level 6 or higher Zombie-Type monsters.When this card destroys a face-up Defense Position monster with 1500 or more ATK, you can Special Summon that monster as a Zombie-Type monster that you control.


Hmm, I changed the first part to Special Summon since Tribute Summon is considered as Normal Summon.


Overall, great card.


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When this card destroys a face-up Defense Position monster with 1500 or more ATK' date=' you can Special Summon that monster as a Zombie-Type monster that you control.[/quote']


It would be 1500 or less ATK.


Nice card, edit the OCG following what Archelaus said, and I'd also suggest changing the amount you have to tribute to 2 (maybe 2 Level 5 Zombies). 9/10

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