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Diamond Dude Turbo

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1 gorz the emissary of darkness

1 dark armed dragon

2 kuraz the light monarch

1 destiny hero dasher

2 destiny hero malicious

1 elemental hero stratos

3 destiny hero diamond dude

1 card trooper

1 plaguespreader zombie

3 cyber valley



3 hidden armory

3 hand destruction

3 destiny draw

2 d.d.r. - different dimension reincarnation

2 allure of darkness

2 divine sword - phoenix blade

1 reinforcement of the army

1 monster reincarnation

1 brain control

1 mind control

1 heavy storm

1 lightning vortex

1 card destruction



1 return from the different dimension

1 torrential tribute

2 threatening roar


side deck : 15

1 destiny hero plasma

1 jinzo

1 exiled force

1 reasonning

1 monster gate

1 scapegoat

1 giant trunade

1 threatening roar

3 magical explosion

3 royal decree


extra deck : 15

1 mist wurm

1 red dragon archfiend

1 colossal fighter

1 thought ruler archfiend

1 dark end dragon

2 stardust dragon

1 black rose dragon

1 x-saber urbellum

1 goyo guardian

1 iron chain dragon

1 brionac, dragon of the ice barrier

1 magical android

1 ally of justice catastor

1 chimeratech fortress dragon


I need to make this 40.

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Hand Destruction? I'd rather see the Law of the Normal' date=' Magical Stone Excavation or Card Destruction...



Card Destruction is already there. Can you explain why you would play the other 2 here. It's very hard to add something because I'm already at 42 and I want to cut some cards.


Feather of a phoenix?


What to neg for it?


I would drop the Gorz to make it 41.


Yeah that's one of the cards I was thinking about cutting with Card Trooper and Cyber Valley.

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