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Yu-Gi-Oh!5D'S the after years!-need members-First 5 will recieve 2 reps!!

White Hollow

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The events take place after 5d's.To start i need at least 10 members so plz join.

[spoiler=rules]no spamming,flamming and no bad talking

respect the other members or you will be negt


[spoiler=how to join]plz fill this


Age[(12-19)student (20-99)teacher]-


Duel spirit[op]-

Deck name-

Turbo Deck Name[op]-

Duel Runner[y,n(if y must have turbo deck)]-


Fav card-



[spoiler=members]Name-Zack Fudo

Age[(12-19)student (20-99)teacher]-19

Look-comming soon

Duel spirit[op]-debris dragon

Deck name-Stardust

Turbo Deck Name[op]-Stardust meteorite

Duel Runner[y,n(if y must have turbo deck)]-y

Dorm-obelisk blue

Fav card-Debris Dragon

Catchphrase[op]-Lets speed up the wheel


Name: Danny Zorwski

Age: 21

Look: clad in a dark red velvet costume, long black hair in a ponytail, round face, green eyes, muscular build

Duel Spirit: Chaos Sorcerer

Deck name: Chaos D.A.D. (based on the Chaos Monsters and D.A.D.)

Turbo Deck Name: Viral D.A.D. (based on CCV, DDV, EEV and D.A.D.)

Duel Runner: A dark red one with golden trimmings

Dorm: Red Demon Archfiend (you didn't say out of which to choose, but he is an exchange student from another school, so...)

Fav card: D.A.D.


Name-Loenao (and akiza's last name)

Age[(12-19)student (20-99)teacher]-17

Look-Like chaz only with a yellow yusei type jacket and a Jack atlase's voice

Duel spirit[op]-"Leda, the masterful dog"

Deck name-Dog blast

Turbo Deck Name[op]-Run like the wind

Duel Runner[y,n(if y must have turbo deck)]-yellow, like duel runner from wheelie breakersSmile

Dorm-oblisk blue

Fav card-Leda, the masterful dog

Catchphrase[op]-"Full assault!! Name: Raiyoshi Naguno


Age: 14


Look (Click to View)

Duel Spirit: Rai Mei

Turbo Deck Name: OutBreak Of Death

Duel Runner: A Basic Model With tri Turbo Jets. Blue and Gray Paint and A Picture of a Demon.


Fav Card:

ACE CARD (Click to View)

Catchphrase: Ehh? Done already?

Uses A Dark Deck.

Is a regular Human.

Has a Invisible ghost Following him.

Synchro Dragon:

Synchro Dragon (Click to View


Name-Yoru Night

Age[(12-19)student (20-99)teacher]-15

Look-short with spiky white hair, white t-shirt with a black vest, gold pants

Duel spirit[op]-Serpent Night Dragon

Deck name-Discard/Revival Deck

Turbo Deck Name[op]-

Duel Runner[y,n(if y must have turbo deck)]-no


Fav card-Serpent Night Dragon



Ooc: This goes in Rp, but hey

Name: Rekut Hira

Age:18 student/part-time teacher


pic[spoiler=click to view]

[image: VampireAnimeBoy.jpg]


Duel spirit[op]- Soko, Boko, and Noko

Deck name- WOA (Wrath of Ages)

Turbo Deck Name[op]- WOD (Wrath of Destiny)

Duel Runner[y,n(if y must have turbo deck)]-Placido's Duel Runner

Dorm- DCD or PD (everyone refer to it as the Discipline Committee dorms or Prefects Dorm)

Catchphrase[op]- "Come on. (Raise his duel disk to his head) I'll bite your cards to death."

Personality: Cool, calm, and his presence scared everybody.

Bio(optional)[spoiler=click to view]Rekut Hira is the leader of a city Discipline Committee, or Prefects, whose members happen to be a group of delinquents loyal to him despite his lack of care for them. Though he mostly speaks in a calm tone, Rekut is an excellent but violent duelist himself, who uses cards that have anicent powers. Though he uses his status to harass others, he actually has great pride in his school and has a soft side toward animals. However, students are not the only ones who fear him, teachers and other town residents know of him as well since he enforces his form of order throughout the entire island and city. He prefers to be alone, usually beating up those who crowd near him. Despite caring little about the events surrounding other and their friends, Rekut takes a great interest in other's abilities.





Every member will recive every week a rep!(and give me too if u want)

Any probs pm me!


You can also duel others hr http://www.chatzy.com/611976557305


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This should be in role play.

Anyways...here's a character...


Name: Danny Zorwski

Age: 21

Look: clad in a dark red velvet costume, long black hair in a ponytail, round face, green eyes, muscular build

Duel Spirit: Chaos Sorcerer

Deck name: Chaos D.A.D. (based on the Chaos Monsters and D.A.D.)

Turbo Deck Name: Viral D.A.D. (based on CCV, DDV, EEV and D.A.D.)

Duel Runner: A dark red one with golden trimmings

Dorm: Red Demon Archfiend (you didn't say out of which to choose, but he is an exchange student from another school, so...)

Fav card: D.A.D.

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This is my first time doing this......



Name-Loenao (and akiza's last name)

Age[(12-19)student (20-99)teacher]-17

Look-Like chaz only with a yellow yusei type jacket and a Jack atlase's voice

Duel spirit[op]-"Leda, the masterful dog"

Deck name-Dog blast

Turbo Deck Name[op]-Run like the wind

Duel Runner[y,n(if y must have turbo deck)]-yellow, like duel runner from wheelie breakers:)

Dorm-oblisk blue

Fav card-Leda, the masterful dog

Catchphrase[op]-"Full assault!!

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ooh, me next.


Name-Yoru Night

Age[(12-19)student (20-99)teacher]-15

Look-short with spiky white hair, white t-shirt with a black vest, gold pants

Duel spirit[op]-Serpent Night Dragon

Deck name-Discard/Revival Deck

Turbo Deck Name[op]-

Duel Runner[y,n(if y must have turbo deck)]-no


Fav card-Serpent Night Dragon



i never really thought about giving him a turbo deck so um.... same case with the catch phrase.

additional information that might be needed...


uses an Oreichalkos style duel disk

is a vampire

has a Legendary Dragon called The Scale of Illiaistaire

has a Synchro Dragon also called Green Malice Dragon


that's everything (that i know of).

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Name: Raiyoshi Naguno

Age: 14

Look: [spoiler=Look] anime_boy.jpg


Duel Spirit: Rai Mei

Turbo Deck Name: OutBreak Of Death

Duel Runner: A Basic Model With tri Turbo Jets. Blue and Gray Paint and A Picture of a Demon.


Fav Card: [spoiler=ACE CARD] 81308o.jpg


Catchphrase: Ehh? Done already?


Uses A Dark Deck.

Is a regular Human.

Has a Invisible ghost Following him.

Synchro Dragon: [spoiler=Synchro Dragon] 81308rc.jpg


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Ooc: This goes in Rp, but hey

Name: Rekut Hira

Age:18 student/part-time teacher

Look: [spoiler=pic] VampireAnimeBoy.jpg


Duel spirit[op]- Soko, Boko, and Noko

Deck name- WOA (Wrath of Ages)

Turbo Deck Name[op]- WOD (Wrath of Destiny)

Duel Runner[y,n(if y must have turbo deck)]-Placido's Duel Runner

Dorm- DCD or PD (everyone refer to it as the Discipline Committee dorms or Prefects Dorm)

Catchphrase[op]- "Come on. (Raise his duel disk to his head) I'll bite your cards to death."

Personality: Cool, calm, and his presence scared everybody.

[spoiler=Bio(optional)] Rekut Hira is the leader of a city Discipline Committee, or Prefects, whose members happen to be a group of delinquents loyal to him despite his lack of care for them. Though he mostly speaks in a calm tone, Rekut is an excellent but violent duelist himself, who uses cards that have anicent powers. Though he uses his status to harass others, he actually has great pride in his school and has a soft side toward animals. However, students are not the only ones who fear him, teachers and other town residents know of him as well since he enforces his form of order throughout the entire island and city. He prefers to be alone, usually beating up those who crowd near him. Despite caring little about the events surrounding other and their friends, Rekut takes a great interest in other's abilities.


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