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Society of Rebellion


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These are the first two cards I have created for my set. The name of my set is Society of Rebellion. Please rate them. and leave your feed back. If you think they are good enough to contend in todays metagame; I'd like to hear your thoughts on that as well. The artwork is not my own right now. I do intend to eventually get my own artwork up for my cards.


The first two cards names are:


Molecule Buster


Effect Monster/ Level 1/ Aqua/ Water

Secret Rare

Effect: This effect can only be activated once per turn during your Main Phase. Offer 1 monster on your side of the field, and pay 1500 life points to limit your opponent to a Draw Phase, Standby Phase, and End Phase only on his/her next turn. You can also Tribute this face-up card to Negate the activation of a Spell Card.


Rebellious Society


Trap Card

Secret Rare

Effect: Pay 5000 life points to activate. Both players roll a six-sided dice. Depending on the result of each players roll; both players will Special Summon as many Monsters as they can(ignoring all Specail Summon requirements). If the result is even Special Summon from your Graveyard. If the result is odd Special Summon from your Deck. The player with the highest combined Attack Points on their side of the field from Monster Special Summoned by this effect wins the duel. After this card has been activated successfully remove it from play for the remainder of the Match.





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