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Tomica Hero Cards!

lord echidna

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So here are my cards from the Japanese Tomica Hero series which is one of my favorite tokusatsu's (because nearly everything explodes :D). I would appreciate comments and ratings, especially constructive critiscsm and corrections for OCG errors.

[spoiler=Rescue Force Members]



[spoiler= Soon to come ...]

* R0 and RU

* The human forms of the already uploaded cards: Hikaru, Kyosuke, Rei, Juri and Captain Eishiguro.

* Reiji "I'm played by the motherflipping Kamen Rider 1" Osakabe, the human form of R0

* Nancy, the head of rescue force and the human form of RU

* The original R2 and R3 and their human forms.

* The girl forms of R2 and R1 Rescue Princess

* The girl versions of Hikaru (Hikako) Kyosuke (Kyo-Chan) and Capt Ishiguro.






[spoiler= The Rescue Vehicles]

[spoiler= Small]


[spoiler=Still to come]

* Core Striker Max

* Core Aider, The ambulance

* Core Searcher

* Core Saver

* Core Striker Captain

* Core Striker Fire







[spoiler= Soon to come ...]

* Rescue Crane





[spoiler= Large]


[spoiler= Soon to come...]

* Rescue Diver, a Jet fighter

* Zero Fire, A giant transportation machine







[spoiler=Soon to come ...]

* The Striker combination vehicles

* The Saver combination vehicles

* The Diver combination vehicles (if any pictures exist)

* God Striker

* Great God Striker

* Super Rescue Max

* Super Rescue Max - Crane








[spoiler=Rescue Tools]


[spoiler=Soon to come]

* Rescue Breakers modes (Drill, Axe, Hammer, Pick, Roper, Grasper ... and the other one)

* The other modes of Max Divider (Fire, Aqua, Sword and Drill)

* Rescue Crushers modes (Whale, Mantis, Drill)

* Rescue Zamber (Harken and Javelin)

* Rescue (and Max) Commander






[spoiler= Neo Terror members]


[spoiler=Soon to come...]

* Baatsu

* Daen, Oobuchi and "Nega" R1

* Saan, Shika and Maaru the three commanders

* Axto, androids

* Maens Super Axto bodyguard ... thingy





[spoiler= Neo Terrors Artificial disaster makers]

[spoiler= The Zukkein]


[spoiler=Soon to come ...]

* Flight style Zukkein

* Hard Type Zukkein

* All the other Zukkein attachments]





[spoiler= The Crisis Makers]

[spoiler=Soon to come...]

* The crisis makers ...





Please Rate and Comment! Constructive critiscsm welcome!

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I'm not the fans of tokusatsu, just kamen riders.

I'm using decade as fusion material for my main fusion monster.



BTW, I think your tomica rescue card are rather weak in status, with just average effect. Better increase their status a bit.(8/10, since i actually like average cards. but it can't keep up in the real match). Graphics are rather blur, except R1(4/10, R1: 7/10)

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