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Ragnarok The White Knight (anyone who supports ragnarok!)


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Well this is a card i made on behalf of ragnarok1945

for all those who support him plz comment, its unfair for a 50% ban!

he changed YCM and always commented on all my card so...



When a monster with a DEF greater then it's ATK is destroyed by battle you can Special Summon this card from your Hand by paying half your Life Points. While this card remains face-up on the field opponent cannot select another monster you control as an attack target. When this card destroys a monster by battle, this card gain(s) Knight Counters equal to the difference in Level between this card and the destroyed monster (max 10). Once per turn during your Main Phase you can remove any amount of Knight Counters to Special Summon 1 Warrior-Type monster from your Graveyard with a Level equal to the amount of Knight Counters removed. Control of this card cannot switch. When your opponent discards a Monster Card, you can add 1 Warrior-Type monster with an ATK equal to or less then the discarded monster, from your Deck, this effect can only be activated once per a turn. When this card is destroyed, destroy all cards you control and you cannot activated any Trap Cards as long as this card remains in your Graveyard.

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yah i kinda tried to make it unique

as for the effect of traps you can remove it from play' date=' return to ur deck/hand, etc there are many ways

plz rate



Unique no, just recycles cards also I think you were trying to hard with the effect.


Also I don't really rate >.>


Just comment on the card.

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kk i will fix that

and the effect is mainly supposed to reflect on ragnarok1945


exp he helps noobs by posting and giving comments

(When a monster with a DEF greater then it's ATK is destroyed by battle you can Special Summon this card from your Hand by paying half your Life Points)


helpful and giving

(When your opponent discards a Monster Card, you can add 1 Warrior-Type monster with an ATK equal to or less then the discarded monster, from your Deck, this effect can only be activated once per a turn)


loyal (Control of this card cannot switch)


and YCM i dont think you'd want ragnarok1945 banned

(When this card is destroyed, destroy all cards you control and you cannot activated any Trap Cards as long as this card remains in your Graveyard.)

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When a monster with a DEF higher then its ATK is destroyed by battle, you can Special Summon this card from your hand by paying half your Life Points. While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select another monster you control as an attack target. When this card destroys a monster by battle, this card gain(s) Knight Counters equal to the difference in Level between this card and the destroyed monster (max 10). Once per turn during your Main Phase you can remove any amount of Knight Counters to Special Summon 1 Warrior-Type monster from your Graveyard with a Level equal to the amount of Knight Counters removed. Control of this card cannot switch. When your opponent discards a Monster Card, you can add 1 Warrior-Type monster with an ATK equal to or less then the discarded monster, from your Deck, this effect can only be activated once per a turn. When this card is destroyed, destroy all cards you control and you cannot activate any Trap Cards as long as this card remains in your Graveyard.


It's fixed a bit. The effect was too long.

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